Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

February  27, 2025


Honorable Mayor and City Council Members 

Brandon Swanson, Assistant City Administrator

Chip Rerig, City Administrator

Strategic Priorities Workshop – Review, Discuss, and Provide Direction on the City Council’s Strategic Priority Projects


Conduct a Strategic Priorities Workshop to:


  •  Review and assess the status of current strategic projects
  •  Evaluate prioritization levels and staff capacity for project completion
  •  Gather public input on Council priorities
  •  Consider potential new projects for inclusion or modifications to existing priorities

 Based on these discussions, the Council may provide direction to staff on project prioritization. Any formal actions to implement these directions will be considered at future scheduled Council meetings.




This workshop serves as an opportunity for the City Council to review and refine the Strategic Priority Projects List, ensuring that resources are effectively allocated to what matters most to our community. With limited resources, it’s important to be intentional about where we direct City staff time and efforts.

  • During this session, the Council will:
  •  Review and assess the status of current strategic projects
  •  Evaluate prioritization levels and staff capacity for project completion
  •  Gather public input on Council priorities
  •  Consider potential new projects for inclusion or modifications to existing priorities
  •  Discuss whether some projects should be placed on a “parking lot list” for future consideration

Strategic Priority Projects - Development and Evolution


The City’s Strategic Priorities List has evolved over several years through Council deliberations and holding workshops inviting community input and staff recommendations. A chronological summary of strategic priority workshops from 2019 to the present is included in Attachment 1.


Key milestones in the development of Strategic Priorities include:

  • November 19, 2019 – The Council identified five priority goal categories during a workshop at Carpenter Hall:

1.    Financial Sustainability

2.    Natural Environment/Village Character

3.    Community Engagement

4.    Infrastructure

5.    Business Environment


  •  February 2020 – The Council formally adopted the City’s Vision Statement, Mission Statement, and Guiding Values through Resolution 2020-014 (Attachment 2).


  •  Since 2021 – The Council has held several workshops to refine and update its list of priority projects, making sure they reflect both current needs and available resources (see Attachment 1 for a full history).




Strategic Priorities Matrix


The current Strategic Priorities List consists of 24 active projects, categorized as follows:

  •  12 High-Priority Projects
  •  12 Low-Priority Projects (to be addressed as resources allow)

Staff tracks the status of these projects using a Priorities Matrix (Attachment 3), which provides key details, including:

  • Project Name & Priority Level (as set by the Council in March 2024)
  • Legal or Regulatory Requirements (if applicable)
  • Strategic Priority Category
  • Department(s) Involved
  • Status as of March 2024 (in progress, on hold, etc)
  • Staff Capacity Requirement (Low, Medium, or High)
  • Summary of Accomplishments (as of March 2024)
  • Percentage Completed (as of March 2024)
  • February 2025 Update 
  • Percentage of Completion (as of February 2025)

A simplified version of the matrix is included in Attachment 5, along with charts showing departmental assignments and project categories in Attachment 6.

Key Accomplishments Since March 2024


Since the last Strategic Priorities Workshop, the City has made significant progress on priority projects. Here are a few key highlights:


Housing Element Adoption – In April 2024, the City adopted its Housing Element, completing the priority to “Review Barriers to Construction of Affordable Housing.” This important step not only protected the City from the “Builder’s Remedy”, which would have removed local control on permitting, but also created a plan for new opportunities for housing that fit Carmel’s character and charm.


Advancement on the Social Media Policy – The priority “Develop and Implement a Social Media Plan” has moved from 50% to 90% completion. Once finalized, this plan will allow the City to have a stronger presence online through social media platforms, improving community communication and engagement.


Establishment of the Rule 20A Underground District Completed. Through the establishment of the Rule 20A Underground district in November 2024, which involved numerous community meetings and public outreach, the City has secured $667,639 funding credits which may be used towards undergrounding utilities near Carmel Beach. With this milestone complete, the Del Mar Undergrounding Project is now underway.


Protecting Against Wildfire Risks – The City continues to focus on fire safety with multiple initiatives aimed at reducing wildfire risk on both public and private properties. As part of the priority to “Develop a Plan to Maintain Natural Areas & Reduce Fire Risk,” the City adopted the Community Wildfire Prevention Plan (CWPP) in September 2024, increased the budget for tree removal and maintenance, and the “Carmel Prepares” program held 3 community workshops, reinforcing efforts to keep Carmel safe.



Partnerships with City Support Groups – City collaboration with City Support Groups has led to successful invasive species removal and ongoing fuel reduction efforts at Mission Trail Nature Preserve, landscaping beautification, including the Scenic Pathway, North Dunes Preservation, and planting of native tree species, further enhancing the City’s landscape and overall aesthetic.


Explore TOT Ballot Measure for Nov. 2024 – Completed. The Council received a May 2024 presentation on Transient Occupancy Tax (TOT), including its history, potential ballot measure, voter requirements, and alternatives. While the Council opted not to pursue a TOT measure for November 2024, the research remains available for future consideration. 


These accomplishments reflect the City's commitment to progress, sustainability, and community collaboration, ensuring that strategic priorities continue to move forward effectively.




During this workshop, Council is being asked to review and discuss the current priorities matrix, and provide direction to staff on the following:

1. Which priority projects should stay or go?

  • Are there any projects that should be removed?
  • Are there any projects on the list that should be modified?

2. Are there new priorities to consider?

  • Have new community needs emerged that require attention?

3. Are there projects that should be moved to a "parking lot list"?


  • Some projects may be important but not urgent. Would it make sense to put them on hold until other, more critical projects are completed?


4. Do we have the staff and resources to get everything done?


  • With current staffing levels, can we realistically tackle this number of high-priority projects?

5. Is there anything about the current process for establishing and tracking priorities that needs to be modified?


  • Does the Council wish to see information reported in a different format?


  •  Does the Council want to try any different approaches to establishing and managing strategic priorities?

Balancing Priorities with Available Resources

Both Council members and the public have expressed concern that the number of high-priority projects has grown too large to be realistically completed with our available resources. While every project is important, the purpose of strategic prioritization is to make sure staff can focus on what is most achievable in the near term.

By refining our focus, we can:


  • Align projects with staffing and financial capacity
  •  Set realistic timelines for project completion
  •  Keep the City’s efforts efficient and impactful

This discussion isn’t about eliminating important projects, it’s about making sure we’re setting ourselves up for success.

Next Steps

Following the workshop, staff will:


  •  Update the Strategic Priorities Matrix based on Council direction.
  •  Prepare a summary report for discussion at an upcoming City Council meeting.
  •  Provide additional opportunities for additional Council input or clarification, as needed.


This structured approach will ensure that Council’s strategic priorities remain clear, achievable, and responsive to the needs of the community.

Included in Attachment 1.
Attachment 1) Summary of Past Workshops
Attachment 2) Values, Mission Statement, Guiding Principles
Attachment 3) Updated Strategic Priorities Matrix (February 2025)
Attachment 4) Completed Projects List
Attachment 5) Summarized Priorities Matrix
Attachment 6) Departmental Assignments & Project Category Charts