On July 30, 2024, the City received a historic evaluation application for the property located on Camino Real 2 southwest of 7th Avenue, developed in 1921. City-contracted architectural historian, Margaret Clovis, conducted an intensive survey and found the "Lucy Hayward House" eligible for listing on the Carmel Inventory because it represents Theme 5: “Architectural Development in Carmel (1888-1965)” in the Historic Context Statement; retains a sufficient degree of integrity; is greater than 50 years old; meets California Register Criteria 3 (Architecture) at the local level; and meets CMC 17.32.040.D.3 (a good example of an architectural style or type of construction recognized as significant in the Historic Context Statement). The subject property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction, and reflects the unique characteristics of Carmel’s early twentieth century residences as described in the Historic Context Statement. Upon review of Ms. Clovis’ report, the City’s Historic Preservation Ordinance (CMC 17.32), and a second opinion authored by Dr. Anthony Kirk, Planning staff supports the findings of Ms. Clovis and recommends the property be listed on the Carmel Inventory.
On July 30, 2024, Susan Fox, Agent, submitted a historic evaluation application for the property located on Camino Real 2 southwest of 7th Avenue on behalf of property owner Tricia Bland. In consultation with City staff, due to the fact the building was constructed in 1921 and the footprint had not been altered from what was recorded on the 1924 Sanborn map, the applicant opted to bypass the “Initial” historic assessment and initiate the “Intensive” historic survey. Ms. Clovis prepared a DPR 523 Form (Attachment 2) in September, 2024, and found the "Lucy Hayward House" eligible for listing on the Carmel Inventory. The property is representative of Theme 5: “Architectural Development in Carmel (1888-1965)” in the Historic Context Statement; retains a sufficient degree of integrity; is greater than 50 years old; and meets California Register Criteria 3 (Architecture) and CMC 187.32.040.D.3 because it embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, region, or method of construction and reflects the unique characteristics of Carmel’s early twentieth century residences (described on pages 52 and 53 of the Historic Context Statement) through its horizontal proportions; informal building plan; board and batten siding; multiple window types framed by extended lintels and sills and clustered into horizontal bands; exposed notched rafters; exterior brick chimneys; and the liberal use of Carmel stone throughout the garden walkways, walls, and planters.
As documented in the DPR 523 Form, the subject building was constructed in 1921 (Building Permit #200) for Lucy Chamberlain Hayward (1864-1924). There is no record of any associated designer/builder, and original plans for the building are not available. Research revealed the following permits: construction of cottage in 1921 (BP #200); unspecified building project in 1924 (BP #728); build double garage in 1927 (BP #1915); build carport and interior alterations in 1952 (BP #2292); bathroom remodel and reroof in 1979 (BP #79-131); bathroom remodel in 1979 (BP #79-149); add 500 square-foot deck in 1979 (BP #79-157). The earliest available Sanborn map depicts the building footprint as it existed in 1924. There appear to be no changes to the building footprint since 1924. Building permit #728 for an unspecified building project may possibly have resulted in the enclosure of the rear sunroom (see Analysis section to follow). Additionally, although a permit was issued for construction of a carport in 1952, it appears as though the carport was never constructed, as it is not shown on the 1962 Sanborn map.
Unpermitted but observed alterations noted in the DPR Form include one non-original window opening on the north side elevation (the kitchen window); the window opening is clearly not original due to the slightly differing muntin profile, lack of an extended lintel, narrower sill, and misalignment with adjacent windows. There is also a letter in the property file (see page 18 of Documents and Records) confirming the scope of work: “frame and install new window where window and door was in existing kitchen.” While a permit doesn’t appear to have been issued, the work was clearly carried out. The second observed unpermitted alteration is the insertion of awning configuration window lights to accommodate interior window screens. The retrofit is minimally visible upon close inspection, and was likely done in the early or mid-twentieth century. Photographs of the property with detail shots of these observed alterations are provided as Attachment 3. Fenestration throughout the home is varied, both in terms of configuration (sliding, fixed, and casement) as well as divided and non-divided light windows and doors. The permit history does not shed light on possible fenestration alterations. Extended sills and lintels for both windows and doors are typical throughout, with only two window openings lacking this feature: the non-original kitchen window and the front bay window.
In 1989, the Planning Commission approved a request to demolish the subject building. The demolition ultimately did not go through because an associated lot merger was denied, and the owners subsequently decided to sell. In 1989, the City did not have a Local Coastal Program and did not evaluate the property as a potential historic resource. The record (see page 98 of Documents and Records) erroneously states: “The property was originally developed in 1921 and since that time has been remodeled or enlarged in 1924, 1927, 1952, 1979 and 1986.” Permits issued and/or work done in 1927, 1952, 1979 and 1986 did not result in the enlargement of the building. 1924 (see Analysis section to follow).
Ms. Clovis concluded that the property meets the criterion for historic eligibility per CMC 17.32.040 because it represents at least one theme in the Historic Context Statement (Architectural Development in Carmel (1888-1965)); retains substantial integrity; is a minimum of 50 years of age; and meets California Register Criterion 3 at the local level. City staff concurs with Ms. Clovis. A detailed analysis of significance under the four California Register criteria is provided below. Note that significance criterion 3 includes additional analysis as required by CMC 17.32.040.D.
California Register
The Lucy Hayward House is not eligible under Criterion One (Event) as no specific event led to the construction of this residence and no important event took place in the residence.
The Lucy Hayward House is not eligible under Criterion Two (Person). Original owner Lucy Chamberlain Hayward (1864-1924) was the widow of Edward C. Hayward, of the railroad business. After Edward’s death Lucy moved from Pasadena to Carmel, bought the property from Dr. Amelia Gates in 1920, and built the subject house in 1921. In 1923 she sold the property to Mary Wilhelmina “Willie” Johnson (1861-1944), widow of Gail Borden Johnson (1859-1918) who had worked in real estate, finance, and insurance in Los Angeles. Col. Robert Sillman and his wife Virginia bought the property from Willie Johnson in 1927. The Colonel was a veteran of the Spanish-American War and World War I. He passed away in 1932 and his wife remained in the house until her death in 1943. In 1947 John Booth Nesbitt (1910-1960) and his wife Beatrice bought the house (they also owned the Circle M Ranch in Big Sur). He was a notable radio personality from Los Angeles, known for his radio show, “The Passing Parade”. Nesbitt has two stars on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, one in the radio section and one in the motion picture section. While living in Carmel he worked as the producer, writer, and narrator of the Oscar-winning short film Goodbye, Miss Turlock. He was also the host, writer, and narrator of Telephone Time, a series that aired on CBS and short films Clues to Adventure, The Amazing Mr. Nordill, and Souvenirs of Death. Nesbitt also broadcast his radio show Passing Parade from an office on San Carlos and Ocean Avenue. The house remained in the Nesbitt family into the late 1960s. Neither Lucy Hayward, Willie Johnson, Col. Sillman, John Nesbitt nor any of the subsequent owners are included as significant people in Carmel’s Historic Context Statement, nor have they been found to be significant individuals important to local, California, or national history. The house is referred to in the DPR 523 Form and this staff report as the “Lucy Hayward House” simply for descriptive purposes consistent with past City practice.
The Lucy Hayward House is eligible under Criterion Three (Architecture), which has three eligibility factors as follows:
a. The property embodies the distinctive characteristics of a type, period, or method of construction; or
b. The property represents the work of a master or important creative individual; or
c. The property possesses high artistic values.
The property is eligible for listing in the Carmel Inventory under the first part of California Register Criterion Three because the 1921 Carmel cottage illustrates the distinctive characteristics a type, period or method of construction: early twentieth century residential architecture in Carmel. The cottage retains its footprint as depicted in the 1924 Sanborn map and retains its character-defining features:
· Single-story with informal plan and horizontal proportions
· Board and batten siding
· U-shaped wings that enclose a front brick patio
· Fenestration:
a) Bay windows with single-paned fixed windows
b) Sliding multi-paned wood sash windows
c) Casement windows, single fixed windows
d) Divided-lite wood French doors
e) Extended lintels and sills
f) Wood door with glazed upper at north elevation
· Exterior brick chimneys
· Low-pitched complex gable and hipped roof system
· Exposed notched rafters in the eaves
· Plank shutters with decorative diamond motif
· Carmel stone hardscape
These distinctive features embody early twentieth century residential architecture in Carmel, a type, period [and] method of construction described in the Historic Context Statement on pages 52-53. In the DPR 523 Form, Ms. Clovis identified the building’s architectural style as “Other – w/ Craftsman Influences.” The Historic Context Statement (pg. 53) identifies the following Craftsman features. All are present at the subject property except those in red italic.
· Horizontality of proportions
· Low-pitched, overhanging gable roof forms
· Exposed rafters in the eaves
· Undisguised, exposed structural elements
o Rafters
o Beams
o Braces
· Reliance on honest use of materials
o Wood
o Brick
o Stone
· Stucco or shingle siding
· "L” or “U” shaped plans which enclose a patio
· Enjoyment of natural setting through:
o Porches
o Outdoor spaces
o Clustering of windows into horizontal bands
· Windows framed by extended lintels and sills
· Tripartite windows
· Windows, either:
o Sliding
o Hinged casement
o Double-hung sash
The house features the Craftsman characteristics listed in the Context Statement except for braces, stucco/shingle siding, and a porch. Additionally, while the home features a “U” plan enclosing a patio, the larger footprint of the home is irregular. For these reasons, Ms. Clovis identified the architectural style as “Other – w/ Craftsman Influences” rather than “Craftsman.” National Register Bulletin 16, page 24 (Attachment 4) provides direction and guidance for instances where “Other – w/ [insert style here] Influences” should be used. Because the Historic Context Statement presently does not provide a clear definition for “Vernacular” in Carmel-by-the-Sea, staff concurs that “Other – w/Craftsman Influences” is an appropriate stylistic identification for the subject property. The period of significance for the property is 1921, the date of construction.
The Lucy Hayward House does not meet the second part of California Register Criterion Three (the property represents the work of a master or important creative individual) because the home was designed and constructed by an unknown individual.
The Lucy Hayward House does not meet the third part of California Register Criterion Three (the property possesses high artistic values) because it does not express aesthetic ideals or design concepts.
CMC 17.32.040.D
CMC 17.32.040.D states: To qualify for the Carmel Inventory, an historic resource eligible under California Register criteria No. 3 (subsection (C)(3) of this section) only, should:
1. Have been designed and/or constructed by an architect, designer/builder or contractor whose work has contributed to the unique sense of time and place recognized as significant in the Historic Context Statement; or
2. Have been designed and/or constructed by a previously unrecognized architect, designer/builder or contractor if there is substantial, factual evidence that the architect, designer/builder or contractor contributed to one or more of the historic contexts of the City to an extent consistent with other architects, designer/builders or contractors identified within the Historic Context Statement; or
3. Be a good example of an architectural style or type of construction recognized as significant in the Historic Context Statement; or
4. Display a rare style or type for which special consideration should be given. Properties that display particularly rare architectural styles and vernacular/utilitarian types shall be given special consideration due to their particularly unusual qualities. Such rare examples, which contribute to diversity in the community, need not have been designed by known architects, designer/builders or contractors. Rather, rare styles and types that contribute to Carmel’s unique sense of time and place shall be deemed significant.
Because the subject property has been found eligible under California Register criteria No.3 only, it should also meet one of the four additional criteria stated above. Ms. Clovis, and City staff, have found the property to meet criteria 3: Be a good example of an architectural style or type of construction recognized as significant in the Historic Context Statement. It need not be both a good example of a style and type of construction, it can satisfy one or the other (hence the “or”). The property is a good example of a type of construction recognized as significant in the Historic Context Statement (pages 52 and 53): early twentieth century residential architecture. See previous analysis for significance under the first part of California Register Criterion Three.
As described in the “Background” section of this staff report, original plans are not available. Research revealed the following permits: construction of cottage in 1921 (BP #200); unspecified building project in 1924 (BP #728); build double garage in 1927 (BP #1915); build carport and interior alterations in 1952 (BP #2292); bathroom remodel and reroof in 1979 (BP #79-131); bathroom remodel in 1979 (BP #79-149); add 500 square-foot deck in 1979 (BP #79-157). Sanborn maps from 1924, 1930, and 1962 confirm the footprint of the building has not changed since March of 1924. BP #728 for an unspecified building project was issued in February, and the 1924 Sanborn map was recorded in March. It is possible that the unspecified building project referred to the enclosure of the sunroom, which likely could have been completed within one month. It is less likely that significant additions to the original building footprint were constructed within one month.
Unpermitted observed alterations include one north side elevation window opening, and the likely addition of interior screens and awning lights that are minimally visible upon close inspection. The home features both undivided and divided-light-style fenestration, but no permits are available to confirm possible changes to fenestration.
Ms. Clovis assessed the six relevant aspects of integrity (location, design, setting, materials, workmanship, feeling) and found the integrity of the residence to be fully intact; the seventh aspect, association, is only applicable for properties eligible under CA Register 1 and 2. To retain integrity, a property must retain several, if not most aspects of integrity. City staff concurs with the integrity assessment as follows:
· Location: the house is still in its original location.
· Design: the house has retained its informal plan, horizontal proportions, and Craftsman style features.
· Setting: the house is still located in a residential setting.
· Materials: the house retains its original materials, including board and batten siding, sliding wood windows, and brick chimneys.
· Workmanship: the house still displays Craftsman style details such as the notched rafters, plank shutters, and extended lintels and sills.
· Feeling: the house retains the physical features that convey its historic character and the feeling of an earlier era and aesthetic in Carmel.
· Association: this aspect of integrity is only applicable to resources eligible under Criteria One and Two.
In addition to Ms. Clovis’ integrity assessment, the Historic Resources Board should consider the fact that fenestration throughout the home is varied, both in terms of configuration (sliding, fixed, and casement) as well as divided and non-divided light windows and doors. The permit history does not shed light on possible fenestration alterations. The character-defining extended sills and lintels are typical throughout, with only two window openings lacking this feature: the non-original kitchen window and the front bay window.
The present condition of the building is poor. The applicant reports that the building has been vacant for several years and black mold is present. Regarding the condition of the building, please note that condition is not relevant when evaluating the integrity of a property. Per the National Park Service,
“Researchers assess historic integrity by evaluating whether a property reflects the
spatial organization, physical components, and historic associations that are attained
during the period(s) of significance. A measure of integrity is not the same as an
assessment of condition.”
Second Opinion
A second opinion (Attachment 5) authored by Dr. Anthony Kirk, a qualified professional, was submitted to the City on behalf of the property owner, asserting the property is ineligible for listing on the Carmel Inventory. The relevant excerpt is provided below. For staff response, please reference the above significance analysis for California Register Criterion 3/CMC 17.32.040.D.3, and note that resources can be good examples of a style OR type of construction.
Dr Kirk: The house is at best a mediocre example of the Craftsman style of architecture. Typical features of Carmel Craftsman houses include stucco or shingle siding, L- or U-shaped plans, and windows of various types, all of which are framed by extended lintels and sills, according to the Historic Context Statement. The house on Camino Real is clad with neither stucco nor shingle siding, but rather with board and batten. As a consequence, Ms. Clovis states that its style is Other—w/Craftsman Influences. She makes no attempt to define the style of what she calls “Other.” According to Sections 17.32.040.D.3 and 4 of the Carmel Municipal Code, in order to qualify for the Carmel Inventory, the building should be “a good example of an architectural style or type of construction recognized as significant in the Historic Context Statement” or “Display a rare style or type for which special consideration should be given.” The style of the house is not found anywhere in the Carmel Historic Context Statement and Ms. Clovis makes no attempt to designate it “a rare style or type of Construction.” As such the house does not appear eligible for listing in the Carmel Historic Resources Inventory, and the City of Carmel should not place the property in the inventory.
Environmental Review: Staff recommends that the listing of the subject property on the Carmel Inventory be found to be “not a project” pursuant to section 15378 of the CEQA Guidelines. Listing the subject property on the Carmel Inventory does not grant any permits or entitlements approving a project that would result in a direct or indirect physical change in the environment.
CONCLUSION: The Historic Resources Board may adopt a resolution (Attachment 1) adding the “Lucy Hayward House” located at Camino Real 2 southwest of 7th Avenue in the Single-Family Residential (R-1) zoning district to the Carmel Inventory of Historic Resources; APN: 010-265-002-000. Alternatively, the Historic Resources Board may adopt findings that the subject property is ineligible for listing on the Inventory and may issue a Determination of Ineligibility.