Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

August  6, 2024


Honorable Mayor and City Council Members 

Mary Bilse, Environmental Programs Manager

Chip Rerig, City Administrator
SUBJECT:Resolution 2024-070, authorizing the City Administrator to execute a Construction Contract with Pro-Ex Construction, Inc., in the amount, with a 15% contingency, of $168,360 for the Sunset Center Cottages Window Repairs Project 
Adopt Resolution 2024-070, authorizing the City Administrator to execute a Construction Contract with Pro-Ex Construction, Inc., in the amount, with a 15% contingency, of $168,360 for the Sunset Center Cottages Window Repairs Project.

In June 2023, Council adopted the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023/2024 which included a combined budget of $649,000 for Facility Renovation Projects which included the Sunset Center Cottages Window Repairs Project. In June 2024, Council adopted the CIP Budget for FY 2024/2025 which included a combined budget of $527,000 for Facility Renovation Projects which included the Sunset Center Cottages Window Repairs Project and the City Hall Reroof Project.


The Project includes the removal and replacement of existing, failing windows. Work consists mainly of removal and replacement of exterior trim components, not glass. The historical windows will be repaired and/or replaced in "like-kind" to match the existing windows. The Contractor has the option to remove the windows to work on them off-site. Work also includes Hazmat (asbestos and lead paint) abatement and painting to match the existing windows.


In August 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-065, awarding a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) to Ausonio, Inc. for Project Management Services for delivery of nine facility renovation projects, including this Project. In July 2024, Council Adopted Resolution 2024-052, awarding an amendment to the PSA to Ausonio, Inc. for five CIP projects including this Project. In September 2022, the City entered into an Agreement with M3 Environmental for On-Call Hazardous Materials Testing and Monitoring Services and amended the contract on January 31, 2024.


In August 2023, four projects were bundled together, design plans and specifications were prepared by architectural and hazardous materials testing firms, and bidding documents were compiled by Ausonio, including:

1. City Hall Roof Replacement

2. Sunset Center Hazardous Materials Remediation and Exterior Painting

  3. Sunset Center Cottage Window Repairs

  4. Harrison Memorial Library (HML) Hazardous Materials Remediation and Exterior/Interior Painting


Bids for the four bundled projects came in over-budget and no contract was awarded.


In May 2024, Ausonio, Inc., separated out the Sunset Center Cottages Window Repairs Project and put it back out to bid as a new bid solicitation. Drawings and specifications were provided by Ten Over Studio Architects. The Project was extensively advertised for bids. Notices were published in the Carmel Pine Cone, Central Coast Builders Association, and posted on the City's and other public purchasing websites.  In addition, courtesy calls and emails were made to twenty-nine contractors and subcontractors, including the two who attended the non-mandatory pre-bid and site tour on June 4, 2024. Two bid proposals were received and opened at a Public Bid Opening held on June 27, 2024, with the following results:


Contractor Name

Base Bid Amount

Pro-Ex Construction, Inc.


LWG Construction, Inc.



Both bids were responsive. Pro-Ex Construction, Inc.'s total bid amount of $146,400 falls within the project team's estimate and the City budget for this Project.


Pro-Ex Construction possesses B-General Building and C-33 Painting and Decorating Contractor's licenses. Established in 2011, they are a Rancho Cordova, California based business. Pro-Ex had favorable references, and in the past few years have completed eight Public Works projects for eight clients.


A 15% contingency is recommended. Window replacement projects have inherent risks, especially with historic buildings which cannot be damaged or put out of service for an extended period. A dry rot allowance of $10,000 is included in the base bid amount. Should differing site conditions warrant an urgent field change, this contingency would be immediately available. Any funds remaining would be returned to the CIP fund balance.


Work will be completed within nine weeks following issuance of the Notice to Proceed. The cottages will remain open during construction of the Project. The Contractor's staging area will located in the parking lot behind the cottages. The Contractor will be provided with a schedule of cottages classes and events and will coordinate with building occupants to minimize disruptions to the greatest extent possible.


Council appropriated $527,000 to complete the Facility Renovation Projects which included the Sunset Center Cottage Window Repairs Project in the FY 2024/25 Capital Improvement Budget in Account Number 124FM-FACRENO. Total estimated expenses for this Project, including the cost for this construction contract and contingency, is $212,785 as listed below:







Ausonio, Inc.

Project Management and Construction Management



Ten Over Studio Architects

Plan Drawings and Specifications



Pro-Ex Construction, Inc.

Sunset Center Cottage Window Repairs



Pro-Ex 15% Contingency

Unforeseen conditions



M3 Environmental, LLC

Hazardous Materials Testing and Monitoring







Therefore, there is sufficient funding to award this contract.


September 12, 2023: Resolution 2023-082, rejecting all bids received for four Facility Renovation Projects, and directing staff to evaluate alternative contracting methods before re-advertising for bids.


In June 2024, Council adopted Resolution 2024-047 approving the CIP Budget for FY 2024/25 which reset a combined budget of $527,000 for this Project and the City Hall Reroof Project.

Attachment 1) Resolution 2024-070