Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

July  10, 2024


Chair LePage and Planning Commissioners

Marnie R. Waffle, AICP, Principal Planner 

Marnie R. Waffle, AICP, Principal Planner 

DS 22150 (CRI on Carpenter - Lot 2):Consideration of a one-year Time Extension for a Track 2 Design Study Approval (DS 22-150 (CRI on Carpenter-Lot 2)) and associated Coastal Development Permit for demolition of two cottages containing four hotel rooms at the Carmel Resort Inn and construction of a 1,971-square-foot two-story residence with a basement and 200-square-foot attached garage located southeast corner of Guadalupe Street and 1st Avenue in the Single-Family Residential (R-1) Zoning District. APN: 010-021-014-000.

Application: DS 22150 (CRI on Carpenter - Lot 2)APN: 010-021-014-000 
Location: Southeast Corner of Guadalupe and 1st Avenue
Applicant:Eric Miller Architects, ArchitectProperty Owner: SANTA ROSA MOTEL CO LP ET AL
Executive Summary:

This is a request for a one-year extension of a Design Study approval granted by the Planning Commission on April 12, 2023.  The reason for the request is so that the owner can do the work in conjunction with proposed projects on lots 4, 10, and 12. If granted, the new expiration of this permit would be April 12, 2025.


Adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) approving a one-year time extension for Design Study (DS 22-150, CRI on Carpenter-Lot 2) and associated Coastal Development Permit, extending the expiration date to April 12, 2025.  The previously approved project includes demolishing two cottages containing four hotel rooms at the Carmel Resort Inn and constructing a 1,971-square-foot two-story residence with a basement and 200-square-foot attached garage located southeast corner of Guadalupe Street and 1st Avenue in the Single-Family Residential (R-1) Zoning District. APN: 010-021-014

Background and Project Description:

The project site is a 4,000-square-foot lot with four hotel rooms in two cottages located on the southeast corner of Guadalupe Street and 1st Avenue. Each cottage is a little over 700 square feet in size, and both encroach slightly onto Lot 4. The Applicant is proposing to demolish the cottages and construct a 1,971-square-foot two-story single-family dwelling inclusive of a basement and attached garage and west-facing second-story deck.   


The proposal was previously approved by the Planning Commission on April 12, 2023.  Per the Municipal Code’s standard permit procedures, the Planning Commission’s approval of Design Study applications lasts for 12 months from date of approval, and thus was set to expire on April 12, 2024.  Prior to the expiration of the approval, the applicant inquired about a one-year time extension consistent with CMC 17.52.170.C.

Staff Analysis:

On June 20, 2024, the applicant formally applied for a time extension for the Planning Commission’s initial approval to keep the project’s approval active. The applicant submitted an email stating the grounds for requesting the time extension. The applicant stated the basis for the extension request was so the owner can do the work in conjunction with proposed projects on lot 4, 10, and 12 (for additional details, refer to Attachments 2).

Pursuant to CMC 17.50.170.C, “The Planning Commission may administratively grant one extension for approvals originally subject to a public hearing.  If, since the date of the original approval, the conditions surrounding the original approval have changed, or the General Plan, municipal code or Local Coastal Plan Program has been amended in any manner which causes the approval to be inconsistent with these plans or codes, no time extension or renewal shall be granted for any approval.”

Since there have been no pertinent changes to the General Plan, Municipal Code, or Local Coastal Program since this project was first approved in April 2023, there are not any additional findings to be made or additional review of the project required. Staff is supportive of the applicant’s request for a time extension for the previously approved Design Study (DS 22-150 (CRI on Carpenter-Lot 2) which would have a new expiration date of April 12, 2025 - one year from the original expiration date of the project approval.

Other Project Components:

The previously approved project is Categorically Exempt from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) under Section 15303 (Class 3) – New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures, and no exceptions to the exemption exist pursuant to section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines.  

Attachment 1 – Resolution
Attachment 2 – Applicant’s Request Letter
Attachment 3 – April 12, 2023 PC Final Hearing Resolution
Attachment 4 – PC Final Hearing Plans