Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

July  8, 2024


Honorable Mayor and City Council Members 

Robert Harary, P.E, Director of Public Works

Chip Rerig, City Administrator

Resolutions 2024-051 and 2024-052, authorizing the City Administrator to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement (PSA) with 4Leaf, Inc., and Amendment No. 2 to the PSA with Ausonio, Inc., both for Project Management Services, for a fee increase of $150,000 and a not-to-exceed fee of $125,000 for Fiscal Year 2024/25, respectively.


Adopt Resolutions 2024-051 (Attachment 1) and 2024-052 (Attachment 2), authorizing the City Administrator to execute Amendment No. 1 to the PSA with 4Leaf, Inc., and Amendment No. 2 to the PSA with Ausonio, Inc., both for Project Management Services, for a fee increase of $150,000 and a not-to-exceed fee of $125,000 for Fiscal Year 2024/25, respectively.


In April 2022, requests for Statements of Qualifications (SOQs) were advertised, from San Jose to Sacramento to San Luis Obispo, seeking qualifications from consultants covering 14 professional service areas, including Project Management services. In May 2022, based on the SOQs submitted by seven project management consultants, 4Leaf, Inc. and Ausonio, Inc. were selected by an evaluation committee as best qualified to implement certain Capital Improvement Projects (CIP) and facility renovation-oriented projects.


In September 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-075 awarding a two-year Professional Services Agreement (PSA) to 4Leaf, Inc., for a fee of $197,780, to support four CIP projects as described below.


In August 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-065 awarding a three-year PSA to Ausonio, Inc., for management of nine facility renovation projects, for a fee of $125,000 for FY 2022/23 services. In July 2023, Council adopted Resolution 2023-073 approving a fee of $125,000 to Ausonio for seven ongoing and additional facility renovation projects assigned for FY 2023/24.


Project Assignments – 4Leaf


Since the execution of their PSA in September 2022, 4Leaf supported four CIP projects as follows:


1.    FY 2021/22 Paving Project: 4Leaf checked technical specifications and prepared contract and bidding documents. The project has since been constructed and is substantially complete.


2.    Electrical Panel Upgrades for City Hall, Fire Station, Sunset Center, and Vista Lobos: Supported planning efforts and provided input into the selection of the electrical engineering consultant. The electrical panel assessments have since been completed. That project set the foundation for two active CIP projects - the Sunset Center North Lot Electrical Panel Replacement and Vista Lobos Parking Lot 3 EV Charging Stations and Building Electrical Panel Replacement Projects.


3.    Resilience Infrastructure Pilot Project: Supported initial planning efforts in concert with the Police Building Project. Since it became apparent that this project is integral with the Police Building, the remaining funding was rolled into the Police Building Project, and this separate project was cancelled as of FY 2024/25.


4.    Police Building Renovation: This major initiative will be the only project to be covered in the proposed Amendment No. 1 with 4Leaf. To date, 4Leaf’s Project Manager was instrumental in assessing modern police standards and long-term needs as compared to prior, partial renovation projects, preparing a Request for Proposals, leading the consultant selection process and agreement negotiations with the selected architect with expertise in public safety facilities, managing the architectural team during their development of the condition assessment report and Police space needs evaluation, meeting with the Council Ad Hoc Committee and attending public meetings/listening sessions, and preparing Council agenda reports and presentations.


The PSA with 4Leaf was based on estimated fees for performing tasks on assigned CIP projects. Moving forward, the structure for 4Leaf services under proposed Amendment No. 1 will change to be based on providing on-call, as-needed services and only for the Police Building Project over and above what can be managed by the City's Project Manager(s), which includes the pending new hire that will take place as approved in the FY 2024-25 Budget. This approach allows for maximum flexibility for both the City and 4Leaf as the Police Building progresses and major decisions are made during the upcoming design process. The proposed Amendment will also extend the PSA term through June 30, 2027. Amendment No. 1 is included as Attachment 3.


Project Assignments - Ausonio


During FY 2023/24, the seven facility renovation projects assigned to Ausonio progressed as follows:


Three projects were completed:

1. Sunset Center Hazardous Materials (Haz Mat) Remediation and Exterior Painting of the          North Wing

2. Harrison Memorial Library Haz Mat Remediation and Exterior and Partial Interior Painting

3. Sunset Center Portico – Design Concepts


Two projects, previously bundled and bid together with the two painting projects, were extracted and modified to reduce cost, and are currently in the bidding and construction award phase:

4. City Hall Roof Replacement

5. Sunset Center Cottage Window Repairs


Two additional projects were designed to 90% complete, are currently in the Building Permit readiness review and contract document compilation phase, and will be advertised for bids shortly:

6. San Antonio Pathway Reconstruction

7. Sunset Center Retaining Wall Repairs


Upon approval of Amendment No. 2, Ausonio will provide the following services for five CIP projects during FY 2024/25:


  • Construction management and inspection services through project closeout for four CIP projects #4 - #7 listed above.
  • Oversee a structural engineering condition assessment for the wooden Lincoln Street/Fourth Avenue Trestle Bridge, a new FY 2024/25 CIP project.
  •  Potential on-call, as-needed services such as: support Facilities Maintenance with dry rot repairs and replace windows at the Park Branch Library, prepare cost estimates for other CIP or Public Works operating budget projects, etc.
  •  Coordinate projects with Public Works, Community Planning & Building, other City staff, design consultants, construction contractors, vendors, and building occupants.
  •  Provide project updates with the City.
  •  Conduct pre-bid meetings, issue addenda, and evaluate bid proposals.
  •  Issue Notice to Proceed letters, conduct construction meetings with agendas and minutes, approve schedules and submittals, inspect construction work, negotiate change orders, process punch lists, and close out projects.


Amendment No. 2 is included as Attachment 4


Ausonio has been notified that the City’s adopted FY 2024/25 Operating Budget includes hiring a second full time Project Manager for the City. This is intended as a cost savings measure for the City and should not be misconstrued as receiving less than excellent services by Ausonio.


Once the City’s Project Manager is hired, the City may shift responsibilities for any of the assigned projects back to the City’s responsibility. That said, and assuming that a new City Project Manager is not on board for 3-4 months, all four projects, #4 - #7 are anticipated to be in the construction phase by that time. It is advised that projects that are well into construction should not change construction managers mid-stream; in other words, those projects should remain under the responsibility of Ausonio until construction completion. Projects that have not yet started construction would be more conducive to transferring back to a City Project Manager. This approach will allow Ausonio-provided services to phase out in an orderly fashion over time.


In June 2024, Council adopted Resolution 2024-047 approving the CIP Budget for FY 2024/25 which set the following six CIP project budgets listed below. All CIP projects and PM services will be charged to CIP Account Number 301-311-00-43008 (except as noted below).




CIP Project

2024/25 Budgets

PM Fees

Fee %


4 Leaf







Police Building






4 Leaf Projects Total












City Hall Roof Replacement






Sunset Center

Cottage Windows Repairs






San Antonio Pathway Reconstruction






Sunset Center

Retaining Wall Repairs






Lincoln/Fourth Trestle Bridge Assessment






On-Call PM Services






Ausonio Projects Total






4Leaf Fees


4Leaf’s fee under their original PSA was $197,780, and nearly all funds have been expended. This amount included $138,253 for services associated with the Police Building Project. The proposed fee increase under Amendment No. 1 of $150,000 represents 4.6% of the current Police Building budget. Fees will continue to be billed on an actual time and materials basis. The FY 2024/25 hourly rate for their Project Manager of $206.88 is below industry standards.


A future amendment may be necessary as the Police Building moves into final design and construction phases, or those duties could be transferred back to City staff at that time.


Ausonio Fees


For the past two fiscal years, Ausonio was authorized not-to-exceed fees of $125,000 per fiscal year, and they have remained below budget. The proposed fee for FY 2024/25 under Amendment No. 2 of $125,000 represents 7.4% of the combined budgets for their assigned CIP project, which is below industry standards for project management services. The Fees will continue to be billed on an actual time and materials basis.


PM Services for on-call, as-needed services for incidental projects not associated with CIP projects that may arise over the year, would be charged to the Public Works/Facility Maintenance Services Division Account #101-119-42-42001.


In September 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-075, awarding a two-year PSA to 4Leaf, Inc. for a not-to exceed fee of $197,780 to support four CIP projects.


In August 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-065, awarding a three-year PSA to Ausonio, Inc., for management of nine facility renovation projects, for a fee of $125,000 for FY 2022/23. In July 2023, Council adopted Resolution 2023-073 approving a fee of $125,000 to Ausonio for seven ongoing and additional facility renovation projects assigned for FY 2023/24.


In June 2024, Council adopted Resolution 2024-047 approving funding for all carry-over and new CIP projects as listed in the Fiscal Impact section above.

Attachment 1) Resolution 2024-051
Attachment 2) Resolution 2024-052
Attachment 3) Amendment 1 with 4 Leaf
Attachment 4) Amendment 2 with Ausonio