Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

July  8, 2024


Honorable Mayor and City Council Members 

Robert Harary, P.E, Director of Public Works

Chip Rerig, City Administrator
SUBJECT:Resolution 2024-053 authorizing the City Administrator to execute a Construction Contract with California Constructors, in the amount, with a 15% contingency, of $183,310 for the City Hall Roof Replacement Project 
Adopt Resolution 2024-053 authorizing the City Administrator to execute a Construction Contract with California Constructors, in the amount, with a 15% contingency, of $183,310 for the City Hall Roof Replacement Project.

In June 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-048 approving the Capital Improvement Program (CIP) Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2022/23, which included six Facility Renovation Projects, including the City Hall Roof Replacement Project, as generally described below.


City Hall Roof Replacement: The City Hall roof was last replaced in 1984 and is 15-years past its warranty. Roof leaks have been increasing, and repairs have become increasingly costly over the past few years as the roof progressively deteriorates. The Project scope has since been modified to include removal (recycle) of copper gutters, downspouts, and flashing and replacement with new metal components. Funded by Measure C, the initial budget for the Project, based on one courtesy quote, was $100,000.


In August 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-065, awarding a Professional Services Agreement (PSA) to Ausonio, Inc. for Project Management Services for nine facility renovation projects, including this Project. In February 2023, Council adopted Resolution 2023-041, approving Amendment No. 1 to the on-call architectural PSA with Ten Over Studio to design five facility renovations, including this Project, for a fee of $13,500. In July 2023, Council adopted Resolution 2023-073 approving Amendment No. 1 to the PSA with Ausonio to continue to implement this Project and other facility renovations.


In June 2024, Council adopted Resolution 2024-047 approving the CIP Budget for FY 2024/25 which reset a budget of $350,000 for this Project. In 2023, four facility renovation projects were bundled together with the intent that a larger project would attract more construction contractors, be more cost-effectiveness due to economies of scale, and be more efficient for our consultants, contractors, and staff by having to manage one consolidated construction contract rather than multiple contracts. The bundled project included painting of the Sunset Center north wing and Harrison Memorial Library, which have recently been completed, this City Hall Roof Replacement Project, and the Sunset Center Cottage Window Repair Project which is currently in the bidding phase.


In August 2023, only two bids were received for the four bundled Facility Renovation Projects, and the bids came in well over budget. Specifically, just for the City Hall Roof Replacement component of the bundled project, the bids were $365,970 and $631,171. In September 2023, Council adopted Resolution 2023-082 rejecting all bids and directed staff to evaluate alternative contracting methods before re-advertising for bids.


Ausonio and staff scrutinized the bids and subsequently implemented cost-cutting measures prior to re-advertising for bids. In the case of the City Hall Roof, the contract documents were modified to allow roofing contractors to bid directly on the Project, rather than as a subcontractor. Also, the most-costly, previously-specified cedar shake roof materials were removed from the Project, and the bid documents were split into two bids, one for each type of composition shingle roofing material, to provide maximum flexibility and cost advantage for the City to award the construction contract.


In May 2024, the Project was extensively re-advertised for bids. Notices were published in the Carmel Pine Cone, Central Coast Builders Association, and posted on the City’s and other public purchasing websites. In addition, courtesy calls and emails were made to numerous potential contractors. Ten contractors attended the mandatory pre-bid meeting and site tour on May 14, 2024. Five bid proposals were received and opened at a Public Bid Opening held on June 18, 2024, with the following results:


Contractor Name

Landmark Shingles

Presidential Shake Shingles

Project Team Cost Estimate



California Constructors



Scudder Roofing



Valenti Builders



Stronger Builders



Ben Franklin Construction





All bids were responsive. Each bidder submitted two separate bids: one for Landmark TL Shingles, and one for Presidential Shake TL Shingles. The City may award the contract for either type of composite roofing shingles. Both shingle options were deemed acceptable by the Public Works and Community Planning and Building Departments, and both options carry the same 50-year warranty. Due to the slightly lower cost and its rustic appearance similar to hand-split wood shakes, the Planning Department recommends the Landmark TL shingle option.


The low bid of $159,400, submitted by California Contractors, is 20% below the Project Team’s cost estimate and just 1% below the second low Bidder. When the prior, bundled project was bid in August 2023, the low bid for the roofing replacement was $365,970. Thus, by implementing these cost-cutting measures, the City’s cost for the same work was reduced by $206,570.


California Constructors possess valid building and roofing Contractor’s licenses. Established in 2012, they are an Escondido, California-based business specializing in building renovations, predominantly for military and healthcare clients. For this Project, they teamed up with Five Brothers Absolute, a Fresno-based roofing contractor established in 2006. Both firms had favorable references, and in the past few years completed eight roofing projects for four government clients.


A 15% construction contingency is recommended. Roofing replacement projects have inherent risks, especially with historic buildings which cannot be damaged or put out of service for an extended period. Should differing site conditions warrant an urgent field change, this contingency would be immediately available. Any funds remaining would be returned to the CIP fund balance.


Weather permitting, work will be completed within four months following issuance of the Notice to Proceed. City Hall will remain open during re-roofing, and the Contractor will not be permitted to work during Council, Commission, and other public meetings. The Contractor’s staging area will be located in the south parking lot, and one ADA parking stall will remain accessible to the public during construction. Following completion of the Project, Public Works will repave the parking lot, and install bike racks and plantings.


Council appropriated $350,000 to complete this Project in the FY 2024/25 Capital Improvement Budget in Account Number 301-311-00-43008. Total estimated expenses for this Project, including the cost for this construction contract and contingency, is $231,810 as listed below.







Ausonio, Inc.

Project Management and Construction Management



Ten Over Studio Architects

Design Drawings and Technical Specifications



California Constructors

City Hall Roof Replacement



California Constructors

15% Contingency







Therefore, there is sufficient funding to award this contract.


The lower than anticipated cost for this Project results in a balance of $118,190 below the $350,000 allocation. These funds could be earmarked for a companion facility renovation project, the Sunset Center Cottage Window Repairs which is currently out for bids, or can returned to the CIP fund balance for other future projects.


In June 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-048 approving the CIP Budget for FY 2022/23, including the City Hall Roof Replacement Project. In August 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-065, awarding a PSA to Ausonio, Inc. for Project Management Services for facility renovation Projects, including this Project.


In February 2023, Council adopted Resolution 2023-041, approving Amendment No. 1 to the PSA with Ten Over Studio to design five facility renovations, including this Project. In July 2023, Council adopted Resolution 2023-073 approving Amendment No. 1 to the PSA with Ausonio, to continue to implement this Project and other facility renovations. In September 2023, Council adopted Resolution 2023-082 rejecting all bids received for the bundled facility renovation projects and directed staff to evaluate alternative contracting methods before re-advertising for bids.


In June 2024, Council adopted Resolution 2024-047 approving the CIP Budget for FY 2024/25 which reset a budget of $350,000 for this Project.

Attachment 1) Resolution 2024-053