Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

February  13, 2024


Chair LePage and Planning Commissioners

Alec Barton, AICP, Contract Planner 

Brandon Swanson, Director of Community Planning & Building 

DS 23-273 (Fortune): Consideration of a Final Design Study and associated Coastal Development Permit for the demolition of a 173-square-foot detached garage and construction of an 820-square-foot net addition inclusive of a new 244-square-foot attached garage to an existing 794-square-foot, one-story single-family residence located at Guadalupe Street 3 southeast of 3rd Avenue in the Single-Family Residential (R-1) District. APN: 010-023-014-000.

Application: DS 23-373 (Fortune)APN: 010-023-014 
Location: Guadalupe Street 3 SE of 3rd Avenue
Applicant:David FortuneProperty Owner: Kaja and David Fortune
Executive Summary:

The applicant is requesting approval of a Final Design Study and associated Coastal Development Permit for the demolition of a detached garage and construction of an addition inclusive of a new attached garage to an existing, one-story single-family residence. This project was recently reviewed by the Planning Commission at a concept hearing, and received general support with some minor conditions of approval. 


Adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) approving a Final Design Study, and associated Coastal Development Permit for the demolition of a 173-square foot detached garage and construction of an 820-square foot net addition inclusive of a new 244-square foot attached garage to an existing 794-square foot, one-story single-family residence located at Guadalupe Street 3 southeast of 3rd Avenue in the Single-Family Residential (R-1) Zoning District, APN 010-023-014.

Background and Project Description:

The project site is a 4,000-square foot lot developed with a 794-square foot one-story single-family residence and a 173-square foot detached garage.


The applicant is proposing to demolish the detached garage and construct an 820-square foot net addition inclusive of a new 244-square foot attached garage to the existing residence. The total square footage of the house and garage would be 1,787 square feet, which is below the allowed base floor area for the site (1,800 square feet). The building is proposed to be finished with board and batten wood siding, asphalt shingle roof, glass curb mount skylights, and aluminum clad windows and doors.


The project was initially reviewed at the November 8, 2023 Planning Commission meeting and the Concept Design Study was accepted (Resolution 2023-058-PC) with Conditions of Approval to be addressed prior to scheduling for final details review.

Staff Analysis:

Previous Hearing: The following items were discussed at the November 8, 2023 Planning Commission hearing and listed as draft conditions of approval to address the concerns.


  1.  Volume Study. The required Volumetric Study shall be successfully completed prior to scheduling for Final Details Review.

    Staff Analysis: Staff calculated the volume of the additions to the residence only, as allowed pursuant to Section 17.10.030.D.3.b of the Municipal Code. The allowable volume of the additions only is 10,404 cubic feet, and the proposed volume is 10,375 cubic feet.

  2. Finish Details. Prior to scheduling for Final Details Review, the applicant shall work with staff to revise the project plans to include the additional information required for Final Details Review, as outlined in the Community Planning and Building Track 2 Submittal Checklist. 

    Staff Analysis: The applicant provided the required information for Final Details Review, as described below. The final details proposed by the applicant or as conditioned by staff are consistent with the City’s Design Guidelines.


Finish Details: The building is proposed to be finished with board and batten wood siding. Exterior paint colors include “Sand Pebble” (tan) for the body of the building, “Frost” (white) for the trim, and “Queen of Hearts” (burgundy) for the front door.


The windows and doors throughout would be aluminum clad, with the exception of the front door which is proposed to be a wooden Dutch door. The roof is proposed to be an algae-resistant asphalt shingle roof in a charcoal color. The new proposed garage door would be a cottage style wood roll-up door, painted beige to blend with the background materials of the building, as encouraged by Residential Design Guideline 9.16.


The color palate consists of muted earth tones, as encouraged by the Residential Design Guidelines  (see “A note about colors” on pg. 10 of Residential Design Guidelines – Final Details Review (Click Here for Residential Design Guidelines).


Glass curb mount skylights are situated to comply with recommendations on pp. 8-9 of Residential Design Guidelines – Final Details Review. The skylights are situated on the back of the roof to minimize visibility from the right-of-way, are designed to be flush with the roof with flashing painted to blend with the asphalt shingles, and are equipped with blinds to reduce glare.


Exterior Lighting and Landscaping: Condition of Approval #11 requires: Exterior lighting shall be limited to 25 watts or less (incandescent equivalent, i.e., 375 lumens) per fixture and shall be no higher than 10 feet above the ground. Landscape lighting shall not exceed 18 inches above the ground nor more than 15 watts (incandescent equivalent, i.e. 225 lumens) per fixture and shall be spaced no closer than 10 feet apart. Landscape lighting shall not be used for tree, wall, fence or accent lighting of any type. The purpose of landscape lighting is to safely illuminate walkways and entrances to the subject property. All fixtures shall be shielded and down facing.”


The applicant has proposed exterior surface-mounted sconces and mounted deck lights that are shielded and oriented downward. The plans note that lights in the sconces are dimmable, and the deck lights emit 105 lumens.


Proposed landscaping changes include replacing an existing retaining wall, installing a compacted gravel infiltration trench, installing a zero scape gravel patio, installing a new rain garden area, and planting a 15-gallon coast live oak (quercus agrifolia) replacement tree. The replacement tree, which was already planted in May 2023, was a requirement of Tree Removal Permit TR 23-048 (Fortune), a separate permit that authorized the removal of one 12” coast live oak to accommodate the proposed addition.


Site Coverage: Carmel Municipal Code Section 17.10.030 limits the amount of site coverage to 22 percent of the base floor area. A bonus of 4 percent of the lot size is allowed when at least half of all site coverage is permeable/semi-permeable. Permeable/semi-permeable materials include gravel, spaced decking and exterior stairs, sand-set bricks or pavers, garden walkways of small paving stones, and arbors. Impermeable materials include asphalt, concrete, mortared brick and stone, decomposed granite, unspaced decking and balconies at any level, garden walls, solariums, bridges, sheds (not counted as floor area, ponds, hot tubs, and swimming pools.


Existing site coverage (1,357 sq. ft.) exceeds the maximum allowed coverage for the site (396 sq. ft., or 556 sq. ft. if 50% or more of the coverage is permeable). CMC Section 17.10.030.C.2 states, Nonconforming Site Coverage. Sites not in compliance with site coverage limits shall not be authorized to increase site coverage. Sites with excess coverage may add floor area consistent with subsection (D)(3) of this section, Exterior Volume, only when:

a. The site complies with the R-1 district tree density provisions established in CMC 17.48.080(A), and all existing and new trees have sufficient space to protect the root zones and provide for new growth; and

b. Excess site coverage will be reduced at a rate equal to two times the amount of floor area added to the site or to an amount that complies with the site coverage limits, whichever is less.

The project proposes 820 square feet of additions, meaning the site must be brought into compliance with site coverage limits. The applicant is proposing to remove 715 square feet of site coverage, but the remaining site coverage (642 square feet) would exceed the allowed coverage by 86 square feet. Special Condition No. 31 requires the site coverage be reduced prior to the issuance of a building permit. With the application of conditions, the project meets the requirements of the Carmel Municipal Code.


Public Correspondence: At the time this report was published, staff had not received correspondence regarding this project.

Other Project Components:

Staff recommends the project be found categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA guidelines and local environmental regulations, pursuant to Section 15303 (Class 3) – New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. Class 3 consists of construction and location of limited numbers of new, small facilities or structures; installation of small new equipment and facilities in small structures; and the conversion of existing small structures from one use to another where only minor modifications are made in the exterior of the structure. Examples of this exemption include but are not limited to: One single-family residence or a second dwelling unit in a zone which permits residential uses. In urbanized areas, up to three single-family residences may be constructed or converted under this exemption. The project consists of the demolition of a 173-square foot detached garage and construction of an 820-square foot net addition inclusive of a new 244-square foot attached garage to an existing 794-square foot, one-story single-family residence. The project does not present any unusual circumstances that would result in a potentially significant environmental impact, and no exceptions to the exemption exists pursuant to Section 15300.2 of the CEQA Guidelines.

Attachment 1 - Resolution
Attachment 2 - Data Table
Attachment 3 - Plan Set