The following is a brief chronological summary of how the City Council Strategic Priority List has evolved over the last couple of years:
- October 12th, 2021 - City Council held a public workshop at Sunset Center to discuss roughly sixty (60) different projects associated with the Council’s adopted Strategic Initiatives. Following a hearty and productive discussion, the Council reduced the list of priority projects to a total of thirty (30), recognizing that some tasks were “day to day” or belonged on other lists like the Capital Improvement Program (CIP).
- January 4th, 2022 – Council received a presentation from staff on the list of thirty (30) priority projects. To aid in managing the Council’s priority projects, staff created a worksheet called the “Council Priorities Tracker”, which includes information about project completeness and month-by-month updates/forecasting.
- March 10th, 2022 - Council held another public workshop. Department heads presented and discussed each item on the full priority list of thirty (30) projects. Following these detailed discussions, and in consideration of available staff resources, Council opted to elevate sixteen (16) projects as the highest priority, and directed staff to focus their efforts on these projects before working on any of the remaining projects on the larger list of thirty (30). The concept behind this top priorities list, was that as projects were completed, and resources became available, another project from the larger list of thirty (30) could move up to become a top priority at the direction of the full Council.
- September 13th, 2022 – Council received a brief update on each project contained in the tracking list of thirty (30) strategic priority projects, including the percentage complete and the items that have been completed, which were moved off the tracking sheet to a separate “Completed Projects” worksheet. Council gave direction to staff to give an update to Council after the election when the new Councilmember is seated.
- January 31st, 2023 – Council conducts another public strategic workshop at Sunset Center. Department heads presented the status of each project on the full priority list of thirty (30) projects. This update included percentage of completion for active projects, and those which had been finalized and moved over to a separate list (5 total completed, not including the Climate Action Plan). Council discussed the active projects, and provided some preliminary direction about elevating certain projects to “top priorities”. Council also suggested moving other projects to the list of those that are fully completed (Vacant Positions, and Pandemic Recovery). Council directed staff to return in March at their regular meeting to present the outcomes from the strategic workshop and to receive direction on specific projects.
- March 7th, 2023 – Council received a report on the outcome of the January 31, 2023, City Council Strategic workshop. Staff gave a brief summary of the direction received from Council on each item on the priority list, such as items to keep as a top priority, items to elevate, and items that have changed status or to combine.
This workshop will serve as a platform to receive updates on the progress of the City Council’s Strategic Projects. It is essential to have an overview of the current status and projections for each project, in order to make informed decisions moving forward. Key components of the workshop include:
- City Council has thirty (30) strategic priority projects, with twenty (20) designated as “top priorities.”
- To date, eight (8) projects have been completed, leaving twenty-two (22) projects in various stages of progress.
In this report, you will find the following documents for your reference:
- Attachment 1: A complete tracking list of twenty-two (22) strategic projects that are still in progress, with seventeen (17) of them being considered “top priority.”
- Attachment 2: A list of the eight (8) strategic projects that have been successfully completed.
- Attachment 3: A list of the eleven (11) "Level 3" strategic projects that were removed from the list in October 2021 for Council consideration.
Council Priority Projects (In Progress)
Below is a list of the current Council Priorities that are in progress, including the status and direction for each priority as of January, the current status, and the projection through December 31. Top Priority items are indicated in the following list.
1. Update Zoning Code and Design Guidelines (Residential & Commercial) AND Explore Reinstatement of the Design Review Board (DRB)) - CP&B - 75% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- First Draft of revised guidelines completed and distributed to community in February
- Steering Committee review/edits March to June
- Update to Council in June, with direction received to have Final Draft completed by December Steering Committee meetings ongoing
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Complete Second Draft of Design Guidelines
- Begin adoption hearings by December
2. Develop Accessory Dwelling Unit (ADU) Ordinance - CP&B - 75% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Drafted ADU Ordinance in collaboration with City Attorney
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Plan a First Draft Ordinance workshop with Planning Commission for October or November
3. Develop Telecommunication Ordinance consistent with federal law - CP&B - 85% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Staff redrafted wireless ordinance based on feedback
- Released redrafted ordinance for community feedback
- Second full draft released August 5th
- Planning Commission Special Meeting held on August 23rd for recommendations to Council
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Consideration of Ordinance by Council
4. Explore opportunities for permanent outdoor dining - CP&B - 25% complete
Update since January 31st:
- Not assigned High Priority status
- No significant update
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- No projected updates at this time
5. Review barriers to construction of affordable housing - CP&B - 75% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Multiple Community Meetings held by CP&B staff
- Onsite meeting with CA Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD)
- Participated in community engagement events
- Conducted online community surveys
- Staff completed first draft of General Plan, sent to State for comments
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Complete a final draft for incorporating State's comments
- Present General Plan draft to Council for consideration
6. Explore redevelopment of the north lot at Sunset Center - CP&B - 0% complete
Update since January 31st:
- Included in the City's Housing Element as an opportunity site
Projection of progress through December 31st:
7. Police/Public Works Building Renovation Project - PD/PW/CPB - 20% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Architects selected through RFP process for functional program report
- Condition Assessment and stakeholder interviews in progress
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Concept plans and cost estimates for renovation options and new facility prepared by consultant
- Staff continues meeting with Ad Hoc Committee
- Present Functional Program Report in early 2024
8. Review opportunities for enhanced fire/ambulance service - PD - 0% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Joint Powers Agreement in development
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Progress may have drastically changed by exploration of new opportunities
9. Develop a plan to ensure that the City’s natural areas, as well as private property, are properly maintained to reduce fire risk - Fire/PD/PW - 55% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- 3 tree contracts awarded
- 350+ dead, dying, fallen trees removed
- Landscape maintenance contractor and staff mowing, weed wacking, debris removal continues
- MTNP Weedies/PW ongoing fuel reduction
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- 30 task orders for landscape maintenance for FY23/24
- Utilize $75K allocated by Council for MTNP for tree work
- Continue working through backlog of potentially dangerous trees, limbs, and stumps
- Fuel reduction efforts planned for Forest Hill Park in early 2024
10. Develop Forest Management Plan (FMP) & Update Tree Ordinance - PW - 60% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Inventory of 10,000 trees completed, 75% of technical studies completed
- Steering committee of five selected to supplement F&B Commission
- Public workshop held in July
- Stakeholder interviews complete
- Community survey will be released
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Complete technical studies
- Complete a draft of UFMP for first review in late 2023
- Present draft report to F&B Commission
- Facilitate a second community meeting
- Update ordinances in 2024
11. Stormwater Ordinances update - PW - 90% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- WQCB & CCC commented requested October 2022
- WCBC comments received December 2022
- CCC comments received June 2023, reviewed with City Attorney
- Currently working with City attorney and other agencies to address comments
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Complete ordinances with first and second readings in the Fall
- Amend Local Coastal Program in the next year
12. Volunteer Group Facilitation - PW - 75% complete
Update since January 31st:
- Ongoing facilitation, coordination, and process improvements with Carmel Cares and FOMTNP
- Published an informational volunteer page on the City website
- Provided primary support to Leadership Carmel for the planning and installation of nature play and inclusive elements at Forest Hill Park
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Improve volunteer efforts for the North Dunes habitat restoration site
- Incorporate new Forester with volunteer facilitation process
13. Increase Beautification Efforts - Ongoing - PW - 50% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Ongoing communication and coordination with Carmel Cares for Forest Theater landscaping, Scenic Pathway maintenance, Downtown Detail, and Median Minders
- Made improvements to upper Ocean Ave. pathway
- Stumpgrinder acquired by PW has improved the department's ability to address stumps around the Village
- Tree planting efforts continue
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Seek direction from F&B Commission about Ocean Ave. median islands landscaping
- Complete the removal of tank and pumphouse at MTNP
14. Develop a Facilities Maintenance Plan (Facility Renovation Projects) - PW - 45% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
PW and consultant have completed project designs for:
- City Hall roof replacement
- Sunset Center north wing painting
- Cottage windows repairs
- HML painting
- Library Master Plan in progress (HML&PNL)
- Facility Condition Assessment completed for:
- City Hall
- Fire Station
- Vista Lobos building
- PW building
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Begin construction of four renovation projects
- Progress on CIP's including:
Sunset Center, bollards, retaining walls, portico, Carpenter Hall heater
- Obtain quotes for Park Branch Library dumbwaiter decommissioning
- Obtain quotes for Sunset Center projects, fire recirculation pump, and ADA projects
15. Underground Utilities Rule 20A - PW - 40% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Completed and submitted two options to PG&E for undergrounding, both options met criteria for 20A funding
- CA Public Utility Commission's (CPUC) rules changing may present challenges
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Submit two options to Council to include a white paper and establish an Assessment District and submit documents to PG&E
- Remain prepared for PG&E's backlog for construction
16. Explore opportunities for Scout House - PW - 35% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Issued an RFP for renovation, activities programming and facility maintenance
- No proposal received
- Help two public hearings, adopted two resolutions for Surplus Lands Act, met with CHCD
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Seeking Council direction for next steps
- Receive CHCD findings
17. Coastal Engineering Study and Climate Committee - PW - 20% complete
Update since January 31st:
- Consultants are preparing Coastal Engineering Study (CES)
- Task One (Shoreline Infrastructure Condition Assessment) presented to F&B in March
- Task Two (Beach Sand Survey) presented to F&B in August
- Both will be presented at next Climate Committee meeting
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Seek Council authorization to expend $500k Coastal Commission LCP grant
- Shoreline infrastructure repairs $250k (CIP)
- Prepare an RFP for a coastal engineering firm, seek council approval to enter into a PSA with selected consultant
18. Review/Reformulate approach to reserves/update financial policies - Administration - 35% complete
Update since January 31st:
- Progressive updates identified as part of the financial audit process
- Integrated as part of the FY 23/24 budgeting process
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- FY 22/23's financial audit will provide Finance the opportunity for thorough review and updates to policies
19. Develop and Implement Social Media Plan - Administration - 15% complete
Update since January 31st:
- Online presence enhanced with a City website refresh
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Staff will seek Council direction on the priority status
- If elevated, next steps will include RFP for a consultant to guide staff on policy development and implementation
20. Explore opportunities for Flanders Mansion - Administration - 10% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Elevated to Top Priority Status
- Staff assigned to Flanders Mansion research
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Staff presentation to City Council at September 12th meeting for direction
21. Explore Street Addresses - Administration - 30% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Retained Top Priority Status
- Staff pursued a collaborative relationship with Postmaster and USPS
- Staff research produced four options for next steps
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Staff presentation to City Council at September 12th meeting for direction
22. Explore Parking and Traffic Management Program - Administration - 50% complete – Top Priority
Update since January 31st:
- Public Engagement Phase completed
- Consultant held public meetings, public outreach through event participation, and gathered and organized input from community members for presentation to Council
Projection of progress through December 31st:
- Presentation to Council scheduled for September CC meeting
- Will seek direction from Council for a parking management ordinance
- October: tentative plans for a first reading of Draft Ordinance on Parking Management Program
- November: Second Reading of Ordinance
- December: Begin parking management program implementation phase
Completed Projects (8 total):
- Develop a multi-pronged financial strategy to address pension liability
- Restructure peninsula messenger service for at-home letter delivery
- Develop organics/recycling ordinance
- Forest theater facilities manager
- Review and update sign ordinance
- Filling vacancies
- Pandemic recovery
- Update Purchasing Policy
Following the workshop, staff members will carefully review the feedback provided by the Council regarding the list of projects currently in progress. The staff will consider any changes to the prioritization of projects and address additions, removals, or modifications to the list of priorities as directed by the Council.
Once staff has thoroughly analyzed the feedback, any changes in the project prioritization, staff will be instructed to adjust their focus and allocate resources accordingly based on the updated priorities. In addition, any actions such as additional funding resources, staffing, etc resulting from these discussions will be considered at future schedule Council meetings. Staff strives to ensure that the Council’s input is effectively incorporated into the ongoing projects and will maintain open communication and staying responsive to Council’s priorities to successfully execute Council’s priorities within timeline and budgetary resources.