Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

July  11, 2023


Honorable Mayor and City Council Members 

Robert Harary, P.E, Director of Public Works

Chip Rerig, City Administrator

Resolution 2023-070, authorizing the City Administrator to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Davey Resource Group for additional services to complete the Urban Forest Master Plan, for a not-to-exceed fee of $45,000


Adopt Resolution 2023-070, authorizing the City Administrator to execute Amendment No. 1 to the Professional Services Agreement with Davey Resource Group for additional services to complete the Urban Forest Master Plan, for a not-to-exceed fee of $45,000.


In December 2021, the City submitted an application to the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection (Cal Fire) requesting $150,000 to support the creation of the City’s Urban Forestry Master Plan (UFMP). At the May 2, 2002 Special Meeting, the City Council adopted Resolution 2022-040, accepting the $150,000 grant.


In August 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-068, approving a Budget Amendment of $150,000 to the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Adopted Budget for the Cal Fire Grant, and authorizing the City Administrator to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Davey Resource Group for development of the Urban Forestry Master Plan, for a not-to-exceed fee, with contingency, of $160,000.


In June 2023, Council adopted Resolution 2023-067, approving an increase of $57,100 to complete the UFMP Capital Improvement Project.


Due to legal and contractual issues, the project was initially delayed three months, but since then, Davey Resource Group has been making good progress with technical studies associated with development of the Urban Forest Master Plan.  


The following outlines key services under the original Agreement, completed and proposed services under Amendment No. 1, as well as the status for each task as of mid-June 2023:


  • Inventory of 6,000 City trees, including geo-coded locations and condition assessments in compliance with the Cal Fire grant requirements – Complete
  • Inventory of 4,000 additional City trees, per Amendment No. 1 – Complete
  • Inventory of final 500+ additional City trees, per Amendment No. 1 - Complete
  • GIS mapping – Complete
  • Operational Review of City’s tree care and maintenance practices – 80% complete
  • Background Review (regulations, policies, guiding documents) – 75% complete
  • Tree Canopy and Land Cover Assessments – 50% complete
  • Economics Analysis/Value of the urban forest – 5% complete
  • Stormwater Analysis (pollution assessment) – not yet started
  • Priority Planting Plan/Tree Placement Model - not yet started
  • Review/Update Tree Palette, per Amendment No. 1 - not yet started
  • Stakeholder Interviews and Community Survey – 25% complete
  • 1st Community Workshop – Scheduled for July 12
  • Forest and Beach Commission presentation – Scheduled for August 10, 2023
  • Draft Urban Forest Master Plan Report - 40% complete




Services for Amendment No. 1 were negotiated with Davey Resources Group with a base fee increase of $38,570. An additional increase of $6,430 is recommended for additional Supplemental Services that may be needed to complete the project. These supplemental services are predominantly ear-marked for additional community workshops and presentations.


There is no change to the overall project schedule, and the final UFMP report and associated services are anticipated to be completed by late Spring 2024. 


The fee for additional services included in Amendment No. 1 is $38,570. An additional budget of $6,430 is recommended for Supplemental Services that may be needed to complete the project, such as for additional community workshops and presentations. The total fee for Amendment No. 1 is $45,000, and the total not-to-exceed fee for the original Agreement plus Amendment No. 1 is $205,000.


Sufficient funding is available in the Capital Projects Fund, Account #301-311-00-43008 for Amendment No. 1 services.


In May 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-040, accepting a $150,000 reimbursable grant from Cal Fire for funding of the Urban Forest Master Plan.


In August 2022, Council adopted Resolution 2022-068, approving a Budget Amendment of $150,000 to the Fiscal Year 2022/23 Adopted Budget for the Cal Fire Grant, and authorizing the City Administrator to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Davey Resource Group for development of the Urban Forestry Master Plan, for a not-to-exceed fee, with contingency, of $160,000.


In June 2023, Council adopted Resolution 2023-067, approving an increase of $57,100 to complete the UFMP Capital Improvement Project.

Attachment 1) Resolution 2023-070
Attachment 2) Amendment No. 1 with Davey Resource Group