As part of the Library’s Strategic Plan goal to “Increase Operational Excellence” one of the objectives identified is to “Reconfigure Park Branch Kid’s Library and incorporate moveable shelves and furniture to create flexible space”.
Staff has been working to develop a plan to replace some of the shelving in the Kid's Department with flex shelving to allow reconfiguration of the department as needed and allow for the maximization of floor space for programs. Staff worked to gather quotes for the shelving replacement project and researched what would work best in the Children’s Department and determined that the Spacesaver Flex Shelving from Systems & Space Inc. would best meet the needs of the department.
The total amount quoted was $68,850.72, inclusive of tax, shipping, and installation. At its January 25, 2023 regular meeting the Library Board of Trustees approved the project in concept and an adjustment to the Library’s budget in the amount of $68,850.72 to fund this project.
As part of the quote process the Systems & Space Inc. representative informed staff of the opportunity for cost and time saving through cooperative purchasing through Sourcewell, a government agency specializing in state, local and educational institution contracts. The City is currently a member of Sourcewell. The advantage to using the Sourcewell cooperative purchase contract is in the staff time saved in the bidding process and the overall pricing negotiated by Sourcewell.
Per the Carmel Municipal Code agreements exceeding $24,999 require City Council approval to be valid.