Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

December  6, 2022


Honorable Mayor and City Council Members 

Agnes Martelet, Manager, Environmental Compliance

Chip Rerig, City Administrator
SUBJECT:Resolution 2022-106, Authorizing the City Administrator to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Wald, Ruhnke & Dost Architects, for preparation of a Functional Program Report and Schematic Design for the expanded scope of the Police Building Renovation Project 
Adopt Resolution 2022-106, authorizing the City Administrator to execute a Professional Services Agreement with Wald, Ruhnke & Dost Architects, for preparation of a Functional Program Report and Schematic Design for the expanded scope of the Police Building Renovation Project.

The PD Renovation Project has experienced several major iterations over the past several years. In June 2020 at the start of the COVID-19 Pandemic, Council rejected bids for the prior project and unfunded the project for two years. In March 2022, Council re-appropriated $2.0M to fund the base project, and in June 2022, Council approved an additional $1.3M for the project to address additional functional scope, including a new Emergency Operation Center (EOC), locker room modernization, interview room, and EV charging capability. The City also recently adopted its Climate Action and Adaptation Plans. Because of the high priority of the Public Safety/Public Works/IT operations during extended power outages, the functional scoping of the project will also evaluate resilience strategies needed to meet the operational Public Safety requirements of the City. The additional scope will also require an evaluation of the impact of newly adopted code upgrades. It is anticipated this analysis will identify minimum code upgrade requirements such as building-wide fire suppression, electrical, seismic, and/or ADA compliance upgrades, that must be evaluated and incorporated into the project to meet current code requirements.


The project will also involve developing “swing” space to maintain the Police Department’s operations during the construction process. The scoping document will quantify and develop an estimate for this cost to ensure all costs are accounted for.


Because of the significant unknowns regarding full scope, ongoing supply chain shortages and materials cost inflation, it is important to step back at this point and do a complete analysis of the required scope and cost estimate of the project.


Kasavan Architects, LLC previously provided architectural design services for this project; however, the firm has withdrawn from the project. As a result, after review of the Statements of Qualifications submitted to the City for architectural services in 2022, Wald, Ruhnke & Dost Architects (WRD) was selected by a committee consisting of the Public Works Director, the 4Leaf Project Manager, and the Police Chief to submit a proposal to conduct this analysis. WRD will salvage as much of the earlier design as possible and will amend it to meet new codes. Kasavan Architects, LLC, will provide the City-owned digital files to WRD to transfer the project as seamlessly as possible. The project will be designed to provide quality workspace for the officers and staff of the Department as well as quality public spaces. The Professional Services Agreement for WRD to conduct this project is included in Attachment 2.


It is estimated this scoping project will be completed in approximately 8 weeks after Notice to Proceed.


A more detailed description of the proposed scope of work and deliverables is provided below:


·         Review existing conditions (ongoing and as needed during preparation of program):

o   Review previously prepared as-built drawings and the 2020 design project.

o   Site analysis visit(s) to document existing conditions

·         Conduct up to 5 meetings with Owner including city staff, police officials/staff and other stakeholders in order to determine the Functional Program requirements:

o   Coordinate and conduct meetings.

o   Prepare meeting agendas, graphic presentations, questionnaires and other programmatic tools.

o   Prepare meeting minutes recording ongoing discussions, scope determinations, decisions made and ongoing open items of discussion.


·         Provide a Functional Program written report for City review and comment. Report will be based on user discussions that have determined a Scope of Work and preliminary schedule that potentially includes but is not limited to the following:

o   Documentation of existing conditions

o   Preliminary site demolition and modernization:

§  Site demolition.

§  Site work related to building modernization work.

§  Public and Police staff pedestrian flow.

§  Public and police vehicle flow.

§  Accessible and regular vehicle parking.

§  Structural seismic upgrade evaluation for existing main structure.

§  Electrical vehicle charging stations.

§  On or offsite improvements for interim housing of police operations during construction.

o   Listing of required interior spaces:

§  Listing of existing spaces to remain.

§  Listing of new spaces to be constructed within existing floor areas.

§  Listing of new spaces, if any, required outside of existing floor area to be constructed in building addition or additions.

§  On or offsite spaces for interim housing of police operations during construction.

o   Program requirements for the site and all building spaces whether for modernization of existing spaces to remain or the requirements for the newly created spaces:

§  Architectural spatial requirements, finishes, specialties, security features and FF&E.

§  Accessibility requirements.

§  Structural strengthening scope

§  Plumbing, HVAC and fire protection sprinkler system.

§  Electrical power, lighting, low voltage and alarm systems.

§  Emergency power generation.

§  Solar power generation and battery storage systems.

o   Establish Program requirements for onsite and/or offsite interim housing of Police operations during construction.

o   Determine a proposed preliminary full Project Schedule:

§  WRD A&E design work for preparation of Construction Documents.

§  Approvals.

§  Bidding.

§  Construction through occupancy or phased occupancy.

o   Provide Seismic Report

o   Provide Resilience / Microgrid Report

·         Provide Drawings for City review and comment:

o   Schematic Police Station Site Plan with 2022 T-24 CCR and NFPA 13/17 Code Analysis.

o   Schematic Police Station Upper Level, Intermediate Level and Lower-Level Floor Plans.

o   Schematic Exterior Elevations including colored views from the street.

o   Interior Finish, Door and Window Schedules.

o   On and/or offsite interim housing operations Site / Floor Phasing Plan(s).

·         Provide Cost Estimate


·         Provide Project Schedule


The negotiated fee with WRD of $89,115 is within industry standards to perform the multi-disciplinary (architectural, electrical, fire systems, structural/seismic, mechanical/plumbing,  resilience evaluation, and cost estimating) services.


Approximately $2.0 million was re-allocated as an Amendment into the FY 2021/22 CIP Budget in the Spring of 2022 to restart the prior scope of the Renovation Project after construction bids were rejected, the Covid-19 Pandemic went into effect, and the Project was unfunded in early 2020. An additional $1.3 million was added to the Project Budget for the FY 2022/23 CIP Budget to reflect additional scoping into the Project, such as the EOC facility, renovated locker rooms, EV charging stations, etc., as well as the code-required re-analysis for seismic, fire sprinkler, ADA accessibility, electrical upgrades, and other considerations required to comply with the 2022 Building Codes.

As described above, this Project has gone through several revisions over the years. In January 2022, the City Council provided direction to staff to bring back the Project as an amendment to the FY2021/22 Capital Improvement Plan with a $2-million-dollar budget. The City Council approved a $1.3 million addition to the Project budget in the FY 2022/23 Capital Improvement Plan to reflect additional scoping into the Project, as well as the re-analysis of regulatory requirements to comply with the 2022 Building Codes.
Attachment 1) Resolution 2022-106
Attachment 2) Professional Services Agreement for the Police Building Renovation Project - With Expanded Scope