Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

April  28, 2021


Chair LePage and Planning Commissioners

Evan Kort, Associate Planner 

Brandon Swanson, Community Planning and Building Director 

DR 20-350 (Southwest corner of 5th and Dolores): Consideration of a Preliminary Review Workshop (DR 20-350, Ulrika Plaza) for the construction of a 22,978 square foot two-story mixed use building with 12 apartment units and 15 retail spaces and a 15,211 square foot basement containing 27 below ground parking spaces, mechanical equipment and storage located at the southwest corner of 5th & Dolores in the Service Commercial (SC) Zoning District.


CEQA Action: Not a project.

Application: DR 20-350 (Ulrika Plaza)APN: 010-138-021 
Location: Southwest corner of 5th & Dolores
Applicant:Henry Ruhnke, ArchitectProperty Owner: Esperanza Carmel
Executive Summary:

A Preliminary Review Workshop (DR 20-350, Ulrika Plaza) for the construction of a 22,978 square foot two-story mixed use building with 12 apartment units and 15 retail spaces and a 15,211 square foot basement containing 27 below ground parking spaces, mechanical equipment and storage located at the southwest corner of 5th & Dolores in the Service Commercial (SC) Zoning District.


Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the preliminary project and provide feedback on the design of the project.

Background and Project Description:

The project site is located at the southwest corner of Dolores Street and 5th Avenue in the Service Commercial (SC) Zoning District.  The lot has been partially developed from two previously approved projects (DR 16-032 & DR 17-482) which allowed for the construction of two mixed use building, although construction was halted in 2019 and ownership of the property was later transferred. 


On December 15, 2020, a Design Review Application was submitted for the construction of a 20,451 square foot two-story mixed use building with 12 apartment units and 15 retail spaces and a 15,211 square foot basement containing 27 below ground parking spaces. Staff has provided a cursory review of the project in order to provide a general analysis and address potential issues.  This Preliminary Review Workshop by the Planning Commission is intended to provide feedback which can be used by the applicant on further refinement of the proposed project, and does not constitute a guarantee of future approval.  No action will be taken at this hearing and a formal Design Review hearing will be required prior to action being taken on the project by the Planning Commission.

Staff Analysis:

Zoning District:  This site is zoned Service Commercial (SC).  City Municipal Code Section 17.14.010.B states that the purpose of the SC Zoning District is“To provide an appropriate location for services, offices, residential and limited retail activities that primarily serve local needs. This district is intended to provide a distinct transition between the more intense activities in the CC district and the less intense activities in the districts on its periphery.  Mixed uses of commercial and residential activities are appropriate throughout this district.” 


General Plan – Housing Element Policy P3-2.1 states to: “Continue to encourage mixed-use developments (second-floor housing over first-floor commercial uses) as a preferred development form contributing to the village character in all Commercial Districts.”


General Plan – Land Use Element Policy P1-8 states to: “Continue to encourage mixed land uses that create new second floor apartments located over ground floor retail and service uses in the commercial district on streets where a pattern of second story buildings already exists.”


The proposed building would be a mixed use building with 12 apartments on the second floor and 15 commercial spaces on the ground floor.  In staff’s opinion, the use of the building complies with the intent of the SC Zoning District and related policies of the General Plan.


Residential Density:  CMC Section 17.14 establishes the range of permitted and conditional uses that are allowed in the SC Zoning District.  Multi-family projects between 0 and 22 dwelling units per acre (du/acre) are a permitted use.  Projects between 22-33 du/acre require a conditional use permit and projects with densities between 34-44 du/acre require a conditional use permit with a finding that the project complies with State Density Bonus Law (Gov. Code Section 65915).  The applicant is proposing 12 residential (apartment) units on a 16,000 square foot site, which is a density of 33 du/acre and is therefore requires issuance of a Conditional Use Permit by the Planning Commission.  Due to the number of units proposed, there is no required affordable housing requirement associated with the proposed residential density.


Floor Area: Floor area is defined as the total combined area included within the surrounding exterior walls of all floor levels. Floor area includes all floor spaces used for commercial, manufacturing, residential and miscellaneous land uses including space occupied by mezzanine floors, interior walkways, storage areas above ground, hallways, restrooms, and both interior and exterior wall thicknesses.


The building is proposed to be 22,978 square feet (143% of lot area) between the first floor, second floor, and mezzanine level.  The floor area ratio for a two-story building in the SC Zoning District is 135% of the site area (21,600 square feet). The project is eligible for an additional 10% floor area bonus (145% of lot area; 23,200 square feet - CMC 17.14.140.D.2) as they provide intra-block access from Dolores to 5th, as well as from the project site to Lincoln Street via the Lincoln Lane Development.  A 15,211 square foot basement containing 27 parking spaces, mechanical equipment and storage is also proposed.  CMC 17.14.140 specifically excludes underground parking, non-commercial storage, and mechanical spaces from the floor area calculations


The basement level currently includes bathrooms and a gym in the proposed floor plan.  The gym is not permitted to be located in the basement and will need to be relocated or removed in accordance with CMC 17.14.150.A, which states, “additional underground floors, not defined as a story, may be authorized by a use permit approved by the Planning Commission when the use of these floors is expressly limited to the parking of vehicles, noncommercial storage and mechanical equipment serving the building.” Because the gym is a use that is not explicitly identified as an allowable use in the basement, the gym is not permitted in the underground floor space.  Staff is supportive of the inclusion of bathrooms in the basement provided it is included in the total floor area calculation for the site as, unlike the gym, there is no use land classification associated with the bathrooms and they function similar to that of mechanical equipment serving the building.


While CMC 17.14.140.C states, “No single structure shall contain more than 10,000 square feet of floor area, Staff believes the intent of this provision has been met as the building is presented as two separate structures by incorporating two distinctly different architectural styles into the design: Tudor and Spanish. By using two different architectural styles, the building reads as two smaller buildings opposed of a single larger building that would appear out of character and scale for the village.


Building Coverage: Building coverage is defined as the total ground area of a site occupied by any building or structure as measured from the outside of its surrounding external walls or supporting members. Building coverage includes exterior structures such as stairs, arcades, bridges, permanent structural elements protruding from buildings such as overhanging balconies, oriel windows, stories which overhang a ground level story, and covered carports.


The building coverage is proposed be 14,039 square feet (88% of lot area) in area.  The allowed building coverage for a two-story building in the SC Zoning District is typically 80% of the site area for projects that fully implement Commercial Guidelines III-A., although CMC 17.14.130.A states, exceptions may be granted up to a maximum building coverage of 95 percent The exception described allows for a commensurate amount of bonus building coverage to be added to the site for any bonus floor area granted (for example: a 10% floor area bonus allows for an additional 10% building coverage bonus).   


The remaining areas of the site that is not building coverage is considered open space for the site. A minimum of 50 percent of the required open space on each site shall be landscaped which may include nonliving materials such as garden benches, water features and patterned paving treatments as long as the combined total area of such plant alternatives is not used as more than 25 percent of the required landscaping on any site. All landscaping improvements is required to include upper canopy trees on-site and/or in the sidewalk in front of the property whenever possible. A landscape plan is currently being development and has not been included in the preliminary plans, however, the applicant is informed of the requirements listed above.  The required open space areas have been identified on Sheet A002, although staff anticipates landscaping and landscape treatments will be incorporated throughout the whole project and is not limited to the open space areas.


Height: Per CMC 17.14.150, the maximum allowable building height shall be determined primarily by the design context established by the prevailing heights of nearby structures facing the same street or intersection and within the same pedestrian field of view (i.e., generally, within 100 feet to either side of, or across the street from the proposed structure). In the CC and SC districts the main building and roof form of all structures shall be limited to a maximum of 30 feet; a survey shall be required to be submitted as part of the formal plan review to ensure the height limit is maintained.  


The structure is proposed to be a maximum of 30’ tall with minor architectural elements exceeding the 30’ height limit (the applicant’s roof plan (sheet A204) and north elevation (Sheet A401) identify which roof and building forms exceed the 30’ building height). The building elements that exceed the 30’ building height are two separate tower elements that are less than 10% of building coverage.  CMC 17.14.150.B states, “Small areas not exceeding 10% of the proposed building coverage and occupied by special design features such as towers, steeples and ornamentation may exceed these heights if approved by the Planning Commission.”  Staff requests the Commission provide preliminary feedback relating to the tower elements that currently exceed the 30 foot height limit.


Staff is also seeking the Commission’s input regarding the exterior appearance of the building, most notably with respect to whether the building appears as a two- or three-story structure. CMC 17.14.150.A states, “No building shall have more than two stories above grade,” however, a portion of the building maintains a three story appearance due to the inclusion of stacked exterior balconies accessed via the 2nd floor and the mezzanine level above the second floor.  Commercial Design Guideline A3 states, “Building forms should complement the rhythms established by other buildings in the immediate vicinity.  Such patterns as height, number of stories, width of storefronts, scale of building forms, eave height, sizes of doors and windows should be used as guides to establish the context for new or remodeled buildings,” and General Plan Policy P1-69 states, “Continue to control the scale and mass of both one and two story buildings through design review. Guidelines should retain design flexibility, should not be so restrictive that all buildings would look alike, and should recognize that in certain areas, the absence of setbacks is positive and contributes to the character of Carmel.


While Staff is supportive of the inclusion of a level mezzanine above the second floor, it is Staff’s opinion that the building should maintain a two story appearance as viewed from the street.  While a mezzanine may not be considered a story on its own, the inclusion of the stacked exterior balconies may give the appearance that the building is in fact three stories tall which would conflict with the Zoning Code, Design Guidelines, and General Plan.


Finish Materials: The applicant has submitted a material sample board that has been included as Attachment 2. The Tudor Style portion of the building is proposed to finished with slate shingles with the primary building finish being board and batten with wood detailing throughout with the lower level primarily finished with brick.  The Spanish Style portion of the building is proposed to have a Spanish Tile roof and primarily finished with a smooth mission painted plaster with limestone trim incorporated throughout. The walking surfaces and courtyard details include a combination of pavers and various tile treatments that will be incorporated throughout the building.  With respect to the mechanical equipment for the building, staff is recommending all utility meters, vaults and connections be located within the garage, driveways, or other mechanical enclosure, and screened from pedestrian walking surfaces.  Staff is seeking feedback from the Planning Commission on these exterior mechanical elements as well.

Other Project Components:
Not a Project; no further action required under CEQA. A project is defined as an activity which may cause either a direct physical change in the environment, or a reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment, and which is any of the following: (a) An activity directly undertaken by any public agency, (b) An activity undertaken by a person which is supported, in whole or in part, through contracts, grants, subsidies, loans, or other forms of assistance from one or more public agencies, (c) An activity that involves the issuance to a person of a lease, permit, license, certificate, or other entitlement for use by one or more public agencies. This preliminary review workshop is intended to provide preliminary feedback and direction to the applicant and will not result in a direct or reasonably foreseeable indirect physical change in the environment.


Attachment 1 - Project Plans
Attachment 2 - Exterior Finishes
Attachment 3 - Commercial Design Guidelines