During the June 2, 2020 City Council meeting, Resolution 2020-036 was approved, authorizing the City Administrator to submit notice of termination of the existing agreement for fire services with the City of Monterey and pursue a new agreement for services through a competitive bidding (RFP) process.
The existing fire services contract with Monterey requires a notice of termination twelve (12) months in advance. With the adoption of Resolution 2020-036 in June 2020, the contract will terminate on June 30, 2021.
Upon further review, staff is recommending a twelve-month contract extension with Monterey Fire department due to a number of issues and opportunities that have been identified during the creation of an RFP.
During the past six months, staff has determined that the City could benefit from renegotiating the existing fire services contract with Monterey with the potential of meeting each of the following identified goals:
1. Potential Cost Reductions for Services
2. Management Options with Ambulance Personnel
3. Increase Public Outreach on Fire Awareness & Prevention
Staff is requesting that the City Council authorize the City Administrator to negotiate with the City of Monterey a twelve-month extension of the existing fire services contract, moving the termination date to June 30, 2022. During this time, staff will work with Monterey to develop a new fire service contract to achieve the listed goals.