Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

November  10, 2020


Chair LePage and Planning Commissioners

Evan Kort, Associate Planner 

Marnie R. Waffle, AICP, Acting Community Planning & Building Director 

DS 20-125 (SWC 5th & Lincoln): Consideration of a Concept Design Study (DS 20-125, Russey-Hazdovac) and associated Coastal Development Permit for the construction of a new 2-story residence on a vacant lot located at the southwest corner of 5th and Lincoln in the Single-Family Residential (R-1) Zoning District. (APN 010-212-022)


CEQA Action: Staff recommends the project be found categorically exempt from CEQA pursuant to Section 15303 (Class 3) – New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. 
Application: DS 20-125 (Russey-Hazdovac)APN: 010-212-022 
Location: SWC 5th & Lincoln
Applicant:Adam Jeselnick, ArchitectProperty Owner: Terry Russey and Paula Hazdovac
Executive Summary:

The applicant is requesting approval of a Concept Design Study and associated Coastal Development Permit for demolition of an existing garage on an otherwise vacant lot, and construction of a new 1,789 square foot single family residence with 364 square feet of site coverage improvements. The project is located at the SW Corner of 5th and Lincoln in the Single-Family Residential (R-1) Zoning District.


Adopt a Resolution (Attachment 1) accepting the Concept Design Study and associated Coastal Development Permit for the demolition of an existing garage on an otherwise vacant lot, and construction of a new 1,789 square foot single family residence with 364 square feet of site coverage improvements for a site located at the Southwest Corner of 5th & Lincoln in the Single Family Residential (R-1) Zoning District.

Background and Project Description:

The project site is a 4,000 square foot lot located at the SW Corner of 5th and Lincoln.  The lot is currently vacant with the exception of a garage located at the rear of the lot. The applicant is proposing the construction of a new 1,789 square foot two-story single family residence which includes a 230 square foot attached garage.   The residence is proposed to be primarily finished with Allura cement lap siding, a stone wainscot, and a composition shingle roof.  


The Planning Commission previously reviewed the project at the September 9, 2020 hearing and continued the application with direction to make changes to the project, specifically in regard to the massing of the building.  The proposal previously reviewed by Commission also required resolution of a pending tree permit which has since been approved.


The applicant has returned with a revised project that responds to the Commission’s concerns. Staff has scheduled this application for conceptual review.  The primary purpose of this meeting is to review and consider the site planning, privacy and views, and mass and scale related to the project.  However, the Commission may provide input on other aspects of the design.

Staff Analysis:


Previous Hearing: The following items were discussed at the September 9, 2020 Planning Commission hearing and listed as special conditions of approval to address the concerns.


Tree Removal Permit. A tree removal permit shall be applied for and reviewed prior to the scheduling of the next hearing by the Planning Commission.


Forester Review. The City Forester shall confirm the proposed  development will not adversely impact the significant Coast Live Oak prior to scheduling of the next hearing by the Planning Commission.


Tree Planting. 3 upper and 2 lower canopy trees shall be planted on-site (unless modified by the City Forester) and indicated on the site plan and/or landscape plan submitted for final details review.


Staff Analysis: The proposed project results in the limb removal of a significant oak tree on site.  As such, the proposed limb removal was referred to the Forest and Beach Commission for review at their October 8, 2020 meeting. The Forest and Beach Commission accepted the City Forester’s recommendation to allow for the limb removal (refer to Attachment 4; Forest and Beach Commission Staff Report). 


In the Forest and Beach Commission staff report, the City Forester has determined the development will not impact the Significant Oak Tree nor the Significant Cypress tree provided the structure is located 9 feet from the Oak and 14 feet from the Cypress; the proposed development meets this requirement.  The building foot print has also been shifted 1’6” to the east to minimize impacts to the Oak tree. Additionally, a previously proposed rear porch that was located within the structural root zone of the Oak has been removed from the proposal. The Forester has provided staff with special conditions for excavation and protection around trees that will be incorporated into the final Conditions of Approval.


The site currently maintains two trees: one Cypress and one Oak (discussed above). In consultation with the Forester, the applicant has proposed the addition of one new lower canopy tree and one new upper canopy tree; the locations of the new upper and lower canopy tree are reflected on the landscape plan (Refer to Attachment 5,  Sheet L1).


Building Massing:  Reduce the overall mass of the building as seen from the public right-of-way.


Staff Analysis:  At the previous hearing, the Commission agreed with staff’s assessment that the proposed building was out of scale for the site and the mass as viewed from the public right-of-way (particularly along 5th Avenue) needed to be mitigated. The applicant has revised the plans to address the Commission’s concerns pertaining to mass and bulk of the residence.


The location of the building on the site has been shifted away from 5th Avenue to allow for more open space between the adjacent sidewalk and the building.  The original proposal maintained a minimum street side setback (along 5th Avenue) of 6’4” (for a first and second story element); the setback is now proposed to be increased to 6’8” for the first floor.  More significantly, the revised plans propose the second story maintain an even greater setback with second story progressively stepping away from 5th Avenue as the site slopes downhill with setbacks ranging between 7’4” in the area of the stairway to 14’11” at the living room (refer to figure 1 below).  



Figure 1: Revised Proposed Floor Plan

Red Solid Line: Second Story Setback
Dashed Blue Line: First Story Setback


In addition to the changes in the site planning, the applicant has also lowered ridge heights throughout by lowering the roof pitch (proposed pitch 3:12). The plate heights have been maintained at just under 18 feet (the maximum allowed for a two-story building). The highest point to the two-story element is 20’9” whereas the previous proposal maintained a ridge height of 23’11”.


Additionally, the lowered roof pitch and resultant lowered ridge height brings the mass of the subject building down along Lincoln Street in addition to the visual modifications along 5th Avenue. The residence maintains the appearance of a one-story residence and relates to the mass and bulk of the adjacent residence to the south. 


As assessed by the revised plans and the story poles on-site, the changes throughout bring the proposed residence into compliance with the Residential Design Guidelines pertaining to Mass and Bulk.


Additional Changes/Modifications:


Privacy and Views: Residential Design Guidelines 5.1 through 5.3 encourages designs that preserve reasonable privacy for adjacent properties and maintain view opportunities to natural features.


Staff Analysis:  While the Commission previously stated they did not maintain a concern regarding the potential view impact to the apartment located across the street from the subject property, the lowered height helps to mitigate any view impact that may have remained.  The windows are generally in the same location as previously proposed and privacy impacts have not been identified.  A second story deck is proposed to be located at the rear of the residence that will primarily capture a westward view, however, the neighbor to the south is screened by the existing oak tree and there is significant separation between the neighbor to the west and across the street to the north. The proposed project meets the Design Guidelines pertaining to privacy and views.


Building and Roof Form: Residential Design Guidelines 8.1 through 8.5 encourages traditional building forms; using restraint with variations in building planes; using simple roof forms that are in proportion to the scale of the building; and, roof eave lines that are low in scale.  Guideline 8.3 states to “limit the number of subordinate attachments, such as dormers, to avoid cluttered design.”


The proposed residence is substantially similar to the building form that was previously proposed with modifications made to mitigate mass impacts. The primary roof form is proposed to be pitched at 3:12 where a 6:12 roof was previously proposed, resulting in a lower ridge height, and finished with a composition shingle. The building is proposed to be primarily a rectangular form with minor subordinate building forms and projections throughout.  The most significant change to the building form is the increased second story setback. 


While the second story setback creates additional wall planes which may give a slightly complicated appearance, the articulation in the building wall mitigates the massing of the building which was discussed as a primary issue with the initial design.  Therefore, the variations in wall plane is an acceptable deviation from the Design Guidelines as staff considers it minor and reasonably relates specific site conditions, as outlined in the Findings for Design Study Approval (CMC 17.64.080). The proposed project meets the Residential Design Guidelines pertaining to building and roof form. 


Site Coverage/Landscaping: The project site will be compliant in terms of site coverage, as proposed. The applicant is proposing 364 square feet of site coverage improvements where 396 are allowed.  Staff has included Draft Condition of Approval #1 stating the applicant shall clarify and identify all site coverage materials on the “proposed finishes” sheet in the project plans (Attachment 5, Sheet A11) as the project data table and site plan states only impermeable materials will be used whereas Sheet A11 states permeable materials will be used. 


A landscape plan (Attachment 5, Sheet L1) has been submitted and includes a detail of the proposed grape stake fence along the perimeter of the property.  The fence will vary between four and six feet tall, depending on the location, and will step with the topography of the site.


A new 3’6” stone retaining wall is proposed in the vicinity of the front entry and partially located in the street side setback.  Retaining walls located in the street side setback are limited to three feet in height.  As such staff has included draft condition of approval #2 stating the portions of the stone retaining wall located in the street side setback shall not exceed three feet. However, the Commission does have the authority to waive this standard. 

Other Project Components:

Staff recommends the project be found categorically exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), State CEQA guidelines and local environmental regulations, pursuant to Section 15303 (Class 3) – New Construction or Conversion of Small Structures. The project includes the demolition of an existing garage and the construction of a new single family residence in a residential zone and therefore qualifies for a Class 3 exemption. The proposed residence does not present any unusual circumstances that would result in a potentially significant environmental impact.

Attachment 1 - Resolution
Attachment 2 - Data Table
Attachment 3 - Site Photos
Attachment 4 - Forest & Beach Commission Staff Report
Attachment 5 - Project Plans
Attachment 6 - Project Plan Modifications & Revisions