Item Coversheet
Climate Committee
Staff Report 

February  20, 2020


Climate Committee Members

Carrie Theis, Council Member 

Consideration of Consultant Support Services



Consider the option to retain a qualified consultant to support the Committee's efforts to prepare the Climate Action and Adaptation Plan. 



The Climate Committee, with the help of City Staff, has developed a draft work plan for a Climate Adaptation Plan. This work plan contains four phases of tasks with a timeline to be completed by August of 2021.  Additionally, staff has prepared and will present a Climate Action Plan at this February meeting which will have more phases and tasks and will coincide with the Climate Adaptation Plan.  Between the two work plans, the work needed to accomplish all of the tasks is significant and could be aided with consulting support.


In the FY 2019/20 budget ending June 30, 2020, the City Council allocated $55,000 towards the Climate Change project.  When looking over the workload of both plans, the Committee could use these funds to hire a consultant to assist with the Phase II of the Climate Adaptation Plan, Assess Vulnerability.


If the Climate Committee agrees with this consulting support, then a small committee would need to be assembled to look over the qualifications of several environmental consultants, interview the most qualified firms, and make a hiring recommendation to the Climate Committee. The resulting Professional Services Agreement with the best qualified firm would be subject to approval by the City Council. 



In the FY 2019/20 Capital Improvement budget ending June 30, 2020, the City Council allocated $55,000 towards the Climate Change project. These funds could be fully or partially committed to retain a consultant to support the Committee's efforts. Any unused funds at the end of the fiscal year may be rolled over to the next fiscal year.