Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

October  9, 2019


Chair LePage and Planning Commissioners

Evan Kort, Assistant Planner 

Marc Wiener, AICP, Community Planning and Building Director 

CR 19-266 (Golden Bough) - Consideration of a Concept Review for additions and alterations to the Golden Bough Playhouse located on Monte Verde, 4 SW 8th (APN: 010-194-016) in the Theatrical (A-1) Zoning District


CEQA Action: No action is required for a preliminary concept review.

Application: CR 19-266 (Golden Bough)APN: 010-194-016 
Location: Monte Verde, 4 SW 8th
Applicant:Stephen Moorer, AgentProperty Owner: Pacific Rep. Theatre
Executive Summary:

The applicant is requesting a Concept (Preliminary) Review of proposed additions and alterations to the Golden Bough Playhouse. The proposed project consists of two phases:  “Phase 2A” and “Phase 2B.”  Phase 2A proposes interior alterations, including ADA upgrades, as well as the expansion of the existing second story offices, the creation of a new lobby along the Casanova Street frontage, and enclosing existing exit ramps along the exterior of the building.  Phase 2B proposes sound buffers to completely encapsulate the main theatre achieved by expanding the second story along the north and south elevation walls, additional interior alterations, such as the addition of a “prop-shop” adjacent to the main stage, and additional exterior architectural detailing to the building.  The project is located on Monte Verde, 4 SW 8th in the Theatrical (A-1) Zoning District.  The theater seating and office capacity would not be expanded with this project, and as such, there would be little intensification of the use.  This conceptual review by the Planning Commission is intended to provide preliminary feedback to the applicant on the proposal and does not constitute a guarantee of future approval.


Staff recommends that the Planning Commission review the preliminary plans and provide feedback to the applicant on the designs (Phase 2A & 2B), and make a determination as to whether the Planning Commission could support a potential Zoning Code Amendment or Variance.

Background and Project Description:

The Golden Bough Playhouse is located on the west side of Monte Verde Street between Eighth and Ninth Avenues in the Theatrical (A-1) District.  The Playhouse consists of two theaters: the main theatre, which has a seating capacity of 330 seats and is accessed primarily from Monte Verde Street, and The Circle Theatre, which is located below the main theatre and is accessed primarily from Casanova Street.    


While the site is located in the Theatrical (A-1) Zoning District, the surrounding properties are zoned Single-Family Residential (R-1) and contain a mix of one and two-story residences.  This site has been used for the performing arts and film since approximately 1907 and is currently run by Pacific Repertory Theater, Inc.  On December 18, 2006 the Historic Resources Board determined that while the site is historic for its cultural heritage, the structures on the site are not historically significant and could potentially be remodeled and/or altered. 


On July 16, 2008, the Planning Commission heard a Preliminary Review of a proposed expansion project that would have increased seating capacity, and provided feedback stating the applicant should “work within the existing footprint of the building, including the paved area of the loading dock” and “work with the neighborhood regarding design elements and other issues of the project.”  A formal application was never heard by the Planning Commission following the preliminary review, however, the applicant completed “Phase 1” of the project in 2011 that involved electrical upgrades, earthquake retrofitting, and a rebuild of the Circle Theatre and stages.


The applicant has returned with a revised proposal consisting of two phases:  “Phase 2A” and “Phase 2B” as outlined below:  


            Phase 2A, Interior:


  • Modifications to the existing Monte Verde Street lobby; 709 square-foot addition to existing lobby located below existing gallery seating (all additional floor area to be located within existing building footprint). Refer to Attachment 6, Figures 1 -3.


Phase 2A, Exterior:

  • A 561 square-foot second level addition to the Monte Verde Street frontage to allow for the expansion of the existing office spaces.  The office expansion is proposed to allow existing staff to occupy proper office spaces, opposed to make-shift work spaces; the hiring of additional staff is not intended.  Additional interior work is also proposed in the area of the existing offices to facilitate the new addition, as well as the addition of new exterior stairs to access the office space from Monte Verde Street. Refer to Attachment 6, Figures 1 -3.
  • A 418 square-foot lobby addition facing Casanova Street frontage to allow for patrons to utilize a lobby instead of gathering outside of the theater before the show, during intermission, and after the show. Refer to Attachment 6, Figures 1 -3.
  • The enclosure of the existing exit ramps on the north and south elevations of the building.  The ramp modifications would create a sound and light buffer as well as provide ADA emergency egress. Refer to Attachment 6, Figure 1.


Phase 2B, Exterior:

  • The creation of an approximately 880 square-foot prop shop on the second level fronting Casanova.  The addition would be partially within the building space would require additional building height to accommodate the addition. Refer to Attachment 6, Figures 2-4.
  • A 601 square-foot expansion of the second level along the north and south elevation walls. According to the applicant, the added space creates an area for noise buffering as well as provide space for additional theatrical equipment (lighting, mechanical equipment, etc) and a private service area for guests seated in the gallery level.  Refer to Attachment 6, Figure 5.
  • The addition of multiple gables and exterior treatments to enhance the architectural aesthetics of the building. Refer to Attachment 6, Figures 6-17.

o   East Elevation: cross gable with cat-slide roof above Monte Verde office wing.

o   West Elevation: cat-slide roof with 3 dormers above circle theater lobby.

o   North Elevation: two gables above sound-buffering hallway.

o   South Elevation: one gable above new sound buffering hallway and one gable with cat-slide roof above 2nd level main stage loading door.


Staff has provided a cursory review of the project in order to provide a general analysis and address potential issues.  Staff notes that this conceptual review by the Planning Commission is intended to provide feedback to the applicant on the proposal and does not constitute a guarantee of future approval.  A formal hearing will be required prior to action being taken on the project by the Planning Commission.

Staff Analysis:

General Plan: The subject site is located in the Theatrical (A-1) Zoning District. Staff notes that the General Plan is essentially silent on the A-1 Zoning District.  The only reference of the A-1 Zoning District in the General Plan is Table 1.3: Land Area Statistics for City of Carmel-by-the-Sea, the General Plan Land Use Map, and Historical Zoning Maps.  The General Plan does not list any Goals, Objectives, or Policies relating to the treatment of the A-1 Zoning District.  The most comparable uses the General Plan does address are Public and Quasi-Public Uses in the R-1 Zone District, however, the subject site is not listed in table of existing Public and Quasi-Public Uses in the R-1 District, perhaps because this classification is intended for properties located in the R-1 District and the project site is in the A-1 District.


Zoning Code Review: The subject site is located in the Theatrical (A-1) Zoning District.  The A-1 District consists of lots 11-14 in Block C and is completely surrounded by residential uses located in the R-1 Zoning District (refer to Attachment 4).  The purpose of the A-1 Zone District is to provide appropriate zoning for existing theaters located amidst the R-1 land use district. Uses permitted in this district shall be limited to those associated with the theater and performing arts (CMC 17.18.050).  The Golden Bough Playhouse property is the only site zoned A-1 in the City, which essentially means that this Zoning Code chapter is a specific plan for the theater site. The theater property is subject to the development regulations established in CMC 17.18.100 A-1 District Development Regulations. CMC 17.18.100 states, In order to maintain the residential character and design of any structures built within zone A-1, the regulations established for the R-1 land use district on driveway grades, site and height limitations, building coverage limitations, front yard, side yard and rear yard setbacks and design review shall apply within district A-1.


Staff interprets this to code section to mean that the R-1 development standards shall apply to the A-1 Zoning District, which significantly restricts potential additions and modifications to the theater building.  When this code section (CMC 17.18.100) was adopted, the intent may have been to limit any future additions or expansions to the theater, however, this is not explicitly stated in the Zoning Code.


Because the site is bound to the R-1 development standards, the Zoning Code does not permit the project as proposed.  Staff has identified the following conflicts that the project has with the R-1 Development Regulations (refer to Attachment 1):


Floor Area:  While CMC 17.18.100 does not include floor area in the list of development regulations, it does state that development is limited to the R-1 “building coverage” limitations. The current R-1 development standards place no limitation on building coverage.  It is likely that this section is referencing a prior version of the Zoning Code, in which there was an R-1 building coverage standard.  Nonetheless, staff’s interpretation for this particular project is that floor area could potentially be added within the building footprint, such as to the second level, but expanding the building coverage/footprint is restricted.    


Staff notes that a 16,000 square-foot site in the R-1 Zoning District is permitted 4,140 square feet of base floor area.  The existing structure is currently 13,372 square feet, and the proposed structure (Phase 2B) would result in additions that would increase the total floor area to 17,564 square feet.  The portions of the project that would expand the building coverage include the 418 square-foot lobby addition facing Casanova Street and potentially the enclosure of the ramps on the sides of the building, depending on whether these qualify as part of the existing building coverage.  In the commercial district (CMC 17.14.130), building coverage explicitly includes exterior structures such as stairs, arcades, bridges, permanent structural elements protruding from buildings such as overhanging balconies, oriel windows, stories which overhang a ground level story, and covered carports, however, the code is silent as to whether these features would apply in the A-1 District (refer to Attachment 5).


Heights: In the R-1 Zoning District, building ridge heights may be 18’ for the first story and 24’ for the second story.  The existing building has a ridge height of 17’8” for the first story and a ridge height of 38’6” for the second story.  The proposed additions (Phase 2B) would have a first story plate height of 18’6” and a second story ridge height of 41’6”.


Building plate heights are also regulated in the R-1 Zoning District.  Plate heights for a first story element shall not exceed 12’ and second story elements shall not exceed 18’ in height.  The existing building currently has a first story plate height of 16’ and a second story plate height of 31’.  The proposed first story addition plate height would be maintained at 16’ and the proposed second-story addition plate height would be reduced to 28’6”.


Setbacks: For a 16,000 square-foot site subject to the R-1 standards, the required composite setback is 20’ (25% of the lot width) with a minimum side yard setback of 3’.  For through lots (lots with frontages on two parallel roadways), each property line adjacent to a street shall be treated as a front yard and is required to maintain a 15’ setback.


The site has an existing composite setback of 16’ and the project (Phase 2B) would result in a composite setback of 10’. The current minimum side-yard setback along both the north and sound side is 8’ and would be reduced to 2’ along the north side with the proposed enclosure of the ramp. The side-yard setback along the south side would be maintained at 8’. The front setback along Monte Verde is currently 12’ and the setback along Casanova is current 24’6”.  The project (Phase 2B) would result in an 11’6” front setback along Monte Verde, and a 17’ front setback Casanova.   


Development Alternatives. 


Zoning Code/General Plans Amendment: As the current Zoning Code would not allow for the expansion of the theater building, the Planning Commission should consider if either a Zoning Code amendment for the A-1 zoning district is appropriate. The Zoning Code contains only two sections, CMC 17.18.100 and 17.18.110, that address the potential development and use of the Golden Bough Playhouse site.  In staff’s opinion, this does not adequately address the potential future needs of the theater and is also ambiguous as to what modifications can be made.  If the City’s intent is to not allow any modifications, then the Zoning Code should explicitly state this rather than subject the site to the R-1 standards, which clearly don’t apply to the design and use of the existing building.  For these reasons, staff could potentially support a Zoning Code amendment for this site, if the Planning Commission is supportive of the proposed alterations.


An amendment to the Zoning Code would allow for specific development regulations to be established for the A-1 Zoning District, instead of alluding to the R-1 development standards which may be appropriate for a theater site.  A Zoning Code amendment would require approval by the Planning Commission and City Council, as well as certification by the California Coastal Commission prior to an amended Zoning Code being applicable to a development project in the A-1 District. As previously discussed, the General Plan is silent regarding the treatment of the A-1 Zoning District, and as such, a General Plan amendment should be made in addition a Zoning Code amendment.  CMC 17.62.020.B establishes the procedure for which a firm, person, or corporation may initiate amendments to city planning documents, such as the General Plan or Zoning Code.   


Variance Application: Additionally, the Planning Commission should consider whether a Variance may be appropriate for this site.  Staff notes per the City’s Zoning Code, a Variance shall only be granted for the following: Maximum site coverage and minimum open space regulations; minimum street frontage regulations; maximum height regulations; minimum front, side or rear yard setback dimensions; or minimum parking requirements (CMC 17.52.070).  While a Variance cannot be used to add additional floor area to a site, a variance may provide some relief of the development regulations that affect the height and setbacks.


Per California Government Code §65906, Variances from the terms of the zoning ordinances shall be granted only when, because of special circumstances applicable to the property, including size, shape, topography, location or surroundings, the strict application of the zoning ordinance deprives such property of privileges enjoyed by other property in the vicinity and under identical zoning classification. 


As the theater site is restricted to the R-1 Development Regulations, the strict application of these codes may deprive the property of privileges, such as the ability to expand and meet the theater’s current needs.  In staff’s opinion, the circumstances of the theater may meet the Government Code criteria for a Variance.


Public Correspondence:  Staff has received communication from the public regarding development of the site.  Correspondences have been included in Attachment 3.   

Other Project Components:

No action is required for a preliminary concept review. Upon submittal of a formal application, the project would undergo the appropriate Environmental Review.

Attachment 1 - Data Table
Attachment 2 - Applicant's Statement
Attachment 3 - Public Correspondence
Attachment 4 - Zoning Map
Attachment 5 - Applicable Definitions and Codes
Attachment 6 - Annotated Plans
Attachment 7 - Project Plans
Attachment 8 - Site Photos