Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

March  13, 2019


Chair LePage and Planning Commissioners

Evan Kort, Assistant Planner 

Marc Wiener, AICP, Community Planning and Building Director 
SUBJECT:Consideration of a combined Concept and Final Design Study (DS 18-393, Hedquist) and associated Coastal Development Permit for a 434 square-foot addition to an existing single-family residence located on Carpenter, 2 southeast of First in the Single-Family Residential (R-1) Zoning District. 
Application: DS 18-393APN: 010-016-020 
Location: Carpenter 2 SE 1st
Applicant:Robin Alaga, DesignerProperty Owner: Jan and Guilaine Hedquist
Executive Summary:

The applicant is requesting approval of a combined Concept and Final Design Study and associated Coastal Development Permit to construct a 434 square-foot addition to an existing 851 square foot residence. The project includes minor landscape and site coverage modifications.


Staff recommends that the Planning Commission approve the combined Concept and Final Design Study (DS 18-393) and associated Coastal Development Permit subject to the attached Findings for Approval and Conditions of Approval (Attachments 3 and 4).

Background and Project Description:

The project site is a 5,000 square-foot lot developed with an 851 square-foot residence, a 360 square-foot detached storage structure, and a 200 square foot parking pad (1,411 square feet total). The existing structure is finished with lapped siding with ceramic tile gabled roof forms. A Final Determination of Historic Ineligibility was issued on October 1, 2018.


The applicant is proposing to construct a bedroom addition and remodel the interior of the residence.  Other project components include: 1) the reduction of non-conforming site coverage, 2) the addition of a new rear deck, 3) site lighting improvements, and 4) driveway modifications.


Staff has scheduled this application for a combined concept and final review. If the Commission has concerns that cannot be addressed at one meeting the project can be continued to another hearing.

Staff Analysis:

Forest Character: Residential Design Guidelines 1.1 through 1.4 encourages preserving significant trees and minimizing impacts on established trees; protecting the root systems of all trees to be preserved; and, maintaining a forested image on the site.


The site contains one significant Coast Live Oak just behind the front property line at the approximately mid-point of the lot. Additionally, there is one non-significant pittosporium at the northwest corner of the lot. The Forestry Department has reviewed the proposal and determined that the addition is adequately set back and will not impact these trees.


The Forestry Department also recommends planting one upper canopy tree from the city’s recommended tree list. The applicant has reflected the recommended tree planting on the site plan and has selected a Monterey Pine Tree to be planted in the northeastern corner of the lot.  Special Condition of Approval #25 (refer to Attachment #4) has been drafted requiring the applicant to plant one upper-canopy tree from the city’s recommended tree list.


Privacy and Views: Residential Design Guidelines 5.1 through 5.3 encourages designs that preserve reasonable privacy for adjacent properties and maintain view opportunities to natural features.


Staff has not identified any privacy or view impacts associated with the project. The windows on the north elevation, located closest to a neighboring property, are completely screened by an existing 6 foot tall solid fence which is proposed to remain; the top of the window will sit below the top of the fence.  The new windows and doors proposed for the east elevation face the rear yard and are setback 34 feet from the rear property line, and the new windows on the south elevation are separated from the southern property line by the driveway and are also screened by an existing 6 foot tall solid fence.  Additionally, staff has not identified any view impacts associated with the project.  The project meets the design guideline objectives for privacy and views.


Mass and Bulk: Residential Design Guidelines 7.1 through 7.7 encourages a building’s mass to relate to the context of other homes nearby; minimize the mass of a building as seen from the public way or adjacent properties; and, relate to a human scale in its basic forms.  


The proposed addition does not significantly increase the mass and bulk of the residence.  The proposed addition will match the existing residence with no increase to the plate heights (10’) or ridge heights (14’4”).  The residence is proposed to maintain low roof and plate heights, and the applicant is proposing to building 1,845 square feet, 305 square feet of base floor area less than what is permitted in the zoning code.  The project meets the design guideline objectives for mass and bulk.


Building and Roof Form: Residential Design Guidelines 8.1 through 8.5 encourages traditional building forms; using restraint with variations in building planes; using simple roof forms that are in proportion to the scale of the building; and, roof eave lines that are low in scale. Guideline 8.3 states to “limit the number of subordinate attachments, such as dormers, to avoid cluttered design.”


The existing residence has simple building and roof forms. The proposed addition are compatible with the existing residence and match the existing building and roof forms.  The proposed additions will extend building form to the east and create a simple rectangular building form.  The building will maintain its current appearance from the street with no changes being made to the front elevation.


The roof is proposed to retain its simple cross-gabled roof form in the areas of the proposed addition.  The applicant is proposing to install two new skylights in the roof.  The proposed skylights are located beyond the roof ridge parallel to the street and will not be visible from the public right-of-way.  Standard Condition of Approval #11 has been included requiring that “all skylights shall use non-reflective glass to minimize the amount of light and glare visible from adjoining properties. The applicant shall install skylights with flashing that matches the roof color, or shall paint the skylight flashing to match the roof color. Skylight shades shall be installed in each skylight to reduce visible light transmission during the hours of darkness.”


Site Coverage/Landscaping: The applicant is proposing to reduce the non-conforming site coverage by 955 square feet from 1,929 square feet to 974 square feet, and modify the coverage improvements on the site.  Per CMC 17.10.030.C.2, sites with excess coverage may add floor area only when excess site coverage will be reduced at a rate equal to two times the amount of floor area added to the site, or to an amount that complies with the site coverage limits, whichever is less.  The applicant is proposing to add 434 square feet of base floor area to the site; therefore 868 square feet of site coverage shall be removed from the site.  As the applicant is proposing to reduce the site coverage by 955 square feet, the project is consistent with the requirements of CMC 17.10.030.C.2.


The new site coverage improvements include a 185 square foot wood deck at the rear of the residence replacing an existing flagstone patio, and the reconfiguration of an existing driveway.  All areas where existing coverage is proposed to be removed will be replaced with bark.  There is no additional planting or landscaping associated with the project other than the addition of the new Monterey Pine Tree discussed above.


Lighting: The site currently maintains a number of non-conforming light fixtures in terms of both location and fixture style (Refer to Attachment #2; Figures #5a-5c).  The applicant is proposing to remove all existing light fixtures on the site and install three new wall sconces.  The new wall sconces are proposed to be located next to the main entrance to the residence, and the two doors that exit onto the new rear deck (refer to Attachment #5, sheet1).  The proposed fixtures are shielded and down lit, and the applicant has indicated the bulb will not exceed 25 watts, or 375 lumens.  Staff has included special condition of approval #27 stating, all existing light fixtures shall be removed and any new, or replacement fixtures shall be consistent with condition of approval number #10 and clearly indicated on the building plan set.


Right-of-way Character: Residential Design Guidelines 1.5 through 1.7 encourages maintaining an informal open space character of the right-of-way; maintaining trees and natural vegetation; and, designing parking areas to reinforce the forest image.


The existing right-of-way is in a natural state with a limited number of minor encroachments (a small pile of flagstone between the Carpenter Street and the front pedestrian gate). Special Condition of Approval #26 has been included requiring that all encroachments be removed prior to final inspection (refer to Attachment #4).


Finish Details: The existing residence is finished with a wood lapped siding painted “Reliable White,” with a ceramic barrel tile roof and colored window trim.  The addition is proposed to match the existing residence in terms of color and materials, with the exception of the window trim, which will be painted “Hazel” (changed from blue) on all elevations (refer to attachment #6).   All windows, new and existing, are proposed to be wood unclad.

Other Project Components:

The project qualifies for a Class 1 Categorical Exemption from the provisions of the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) pursuant to Section 15301 (Existing Facilities) of the State CEQA Guidelines. Class 1 exemptions include additions to existing structures provided that the addition will not result in an increase of more than 50 percent of the existing floor area or 2,500 square feet whichever is greater.  The existing residence is 851 square feet and the proposed addition is 434 square feet, which together is less than 2,500 square feet.

Attachment 1 - Project Data Table
Attachment 2 - Site Photographs
Attachment 3 - Findings for Approval
Attachment 4 - Conditions of Approval
Attachment 5 - Project Plans
Attachment 6 - Color Samples