Item Coversheet
Staff Report 

March  13, 2019


Chair LePage and Planning Commissioners

Marnie R. Waffle, AICP, Senior Planner 

Marc E. Wiener, AICP, Community Planning & Building Director 
SUBJECT:Consideration of a Concept Design Study (DS 18-299, Northpoint Investments, LLC) and associated Coastal Development Permit for the demolition of an existing residence and construction of a new residence located on Lot 5 of Sand & Sea in the Single-Family Residential (R-1) Zoning District, Coastal Commission Appeal Jurisdiction Overlay, Archaeological Significance Overlay, Park Overlay, Beach & Riparian Overlay, and Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area (ESHA). 
Application: DS 18-299 (Northpoint Investments)APN: 010-321-025 
Location: San Antonio, Sand & Sea Lot 5
Applicant:Braden Sterling, ArchitectProperty Owner: NPHSS, LLC
Executive Summary:
The applicant is requesting acceptance of a Concept Design Study and associated Coastal Development Permit for the demolition of an existing single family residence and construction of a new, two-story 2,931-square-foot residence with a 410-square-foot garage/storage area. The project is located on Lot 5 of the Sand and Sea development in the Single-Family Residential (R-1) Zoning District, Coastal Commission Appeal Jurisdiction Overlay, Archaeological Significance Overlay, Park Overlay, Beach & Riparian Overlay, and Environmentally Sensitive Habitat Area (ESHA).

Continue the item with direction provided to the applicant.

Background and Project Description:

The project site is an 8,928-square-foot lot located on Lot 5 of the Sand and Sea development. The lot contains an existing single family dwelling and a private parking lot that serves Lot 5 and provides guest parking for the other lots within Sand and Sea. The property was removed from the Historic Inventory, on appeal, in 2006. A Determination of Historic Ineligibility was reissued on March 11, 2016.


The applicant is proposing to demolish the existing single family residence and construct a new residence with associated site improvements. The maximum permitted base floor area for the site is 3,137 square feet and 400 square feet must be reserved for two parking spaces. The applicant intends to take advantage of the basement incentive and basement bonus.

The applicant submitted a complete design study application on February 11, 2019 and the project has been scheduled for conceptual review. The primary purpose of this meeting is to review and consider, site planning; privacy and views; and, mass and scale related to the project. However, the Commission may provide input on other aspects of the design.

Staff Analysis:

Previous Hearing:  The Planning Commission reviewed the preliminary design at the October 10, 2018 meeting and provided the following feedback to the applicant based on the Residential Design Guidelines:


1)     Concern regarding light intrusion on the beach and to the south of the project.

2)     Concern that the mass looms over the beach.

3)     Concern with the height of the residence.

4)     Concern with complicated wall angles and recommending the design be simplified.

5)     Consider the proximity of the project to Lot 4.

6)     Use materials that will weather.

7)     The design should reflect an extension of the natural environment.

8)     The design should integrate into the dune view.


The project submitted on February 11th is substantially the same as what the Commission reviewed in October 2018. A modification has been made to the roofline on the east side of the residence and is further explained below. The applicant has prepared a response to each of the Planning Commission’s concerns (refer to Attachment 5); however, staff finds that the application is not responsive to the comments provided during the preliminary review. For this reason, staff is recommending that the project be continued.


Forest Character: Residential Design Guidelines 1.1 through 1.4 encourage preserving significant trees and minimizing impacts on established trees; protecting the root systems of all trees to be preserved; and, maintaining a forested image on the site.


Staff Response: The site does not contain any trees. The City Forester is recommending that one lower canopy tree be planted on the northern portion of the property.


Privacy and Views: Residential Design Guidelines 5.1 through 5.3 encourage designs that preserve reasonable privacy for adjacent properties; maintain view opportunities to natural features that lie outside the property; and, maintain views through a property to natural features when feasible. Additionally, Carmel Municipal Code Section 17.10.010.K (Private Views) states:


“Designs should respect views enjoyed by neighboring parcels. This objective is intended to balance the private rights to views from all parcels that will be affected by a proposed building or addition. No single parcel should enjoy a greater right than other parcels except the natural advantages of each site’s topography. Buildings which substantially eliminate an existing view enjoyed on another parcel should be avoided.”


Staff Response: The project site is located south of Sand and Sea Lots 3 and 4. Lot 3 benefits from a private view easement that limits the height of any structure within the easement to below the 100 foot elevation point. Staff did not identify any view impacts to Lot 3 which has a south oriented view. The proposed building footprint has been shifted to the east and is set back 15 feet along the west property line. Encroachments into the setback include the chimney and a small portion of a bedroom.  An elevated deck extends from the residence to within 3 feet of the west property line. Staff did not identify any view impacts to Lot 4 which has a west oriented view.


With respect to privacy, there are 3 windows proposed on the north elevation facing Lot 4. Two are small bathroom windows which would not present a privacy impact. The largest window is located in a bedroom. Due to an existing fence and vegetation it does not appear that this window will present a privacy impact to Lot 4.


Mass and Bulk: Residential Design Guidelines 7.1 through 7.7 encourages a building’s mass to relate to the context of other homes nearby; minimize the mass of a building as seen from the public way or adjacent properties; and, relate to a human scale in its basic forms.


Staff Response: The project is located in the Park Overlay and Beach & Riparian Overlay both of which require a 15 foot setback along the south property line. The Municipal Code allows the Planning Commission to modify other setbacks through the design review process to provide flexibility for properties unreasonably restricted by the 15-foot setback. The Beach & Riparian Overlay also requires a minimum 3 foot setback for the full length of all other setbacks.


The building footprint, including the elevated deck (or terrace), maintain a 3 foot setback to the north (adjacent to Lot 4) and to the west (adjacent to Lot 6). A 15 foot setback is maintained along the south property line (Carmel Beach). While the project complies with the setback requirements, the mass of the building as viewed from the beach has remained unchanged.


The Beach & Riparian Overlay limits the building height to 18 feet. At the highest point (above the living room, kitchen and dining room) the building would be 17.5’ which is 3.5’ taller than the existing residence. Since the preliminary review, the applicant has reduced the extent of the highest roofline and lowered the height on the east side of the residence by 2’ to 2.5’. A private view easement along the eastern portion of the property also requires all structures to be below the 100 foot elevation and the project is consistent with this private agreement. The Planning Commission expressed concerns that the design would present a two-story appearance as viewed from the beach. Landscaping within the 15 foot setback area may soften this appearance (refer to Attachment 4, Sheet A-6.2).


The Planning Commission expressed concerns over the proximity of the north wall that abuts Lot 4. A 3 foot setback is proposed along the north property line which is the minimum required by the Municipal Code for this project. The Planning Commission could consider requiring a greater setback along the north property line; however, the Code does permit this condition to compensate for the 15 foot setback along the south property line.


The owners of Lot 4 have also expressed concerns about the proximity of the north wall to their property. Staff notes that 24 lineal feet of the existing north wall of the residence is in close proximity to Lot 4 and that Lot 4 sits slightly higher than Lot 5 and is screened by a 6 foot tall wall with vegetation. Staff also notes that the proposed residence has been shifted approximately 10 feet to the east which opens up the southwest facing view from Lot 4. However, the proposed north wall would extend approximately 44 lineal feet within 3 feet of the property line shared with Lot 4. As noted above, the Planning Commission could consider requiring a greater setback along the north property line.


Building and Roof Form: Residential Design Guidelines 8.1 through 8.5 encourages traditional building forms; using restraint with variations in building planes; using simple roof forms that are in proportion to the scale of the building; and, roof eave lines that are low in scale.


Staff Response: The project site is an irregularly shaped lot that is encumbered by private easements and a 15 foot setback along the south property line. These conditions limit the buildable area of the lot. The building form is largely the same as what was presented during the preliminary review with large expanses of glass on the west and south facing elevations broken up with vertical and horizontal mullions. The roof forms are flat and vary in height by a few feet. The roof eave lines are low in scale and would range from 12” to 18”.


The Commission expressed concerns that the design does not reflect an extension of the natural environment or integrate into the dune view. The Commission also expressed concerns with the proposed wall angles and requested the design be simplified. The applicant has provided a response to these concerns (refer to Attachment 5) but no modifications to the building form have been made.


Parking: The project is required to provide two parking spaces. The applicant proposes to satisfy this requirement with one garage space and one surface parking space. The project site contains a shared parking area for the benefit of the other residents within the Sand and Sea Development. The applicant is proposing a new wall that would delineate the extent of their on-site parking while leaving the remainder of the area available to the other properties. The neighbors have expressed concerns that the wall may impede turning movements within the parking area forcing residents to back out of the development for a considerable distance (potentially over 100 feet).


Finish Materials: The Planning Commission asked that the project incorporate materials that will weather. The applicant is proposing natural cedar siding and Carmel stone for the wall cladding; wood doors and windows; copper gutters & downspouts; and, a stained wood fascia.

Other Project Components:
With the application of conditions of approval, the proposed project can be found categorically exempt from CEQA requirements, pursuant to Section 15303 (Class 3) – New Construction or Conversion of Small Units. The project includes the demolition of an existing single family residence and the construction of a new single family residence in a residential zone and therefore qualifies for a Class 3 exemption.
Attachment 1 - Project Data Table
Attachment 2 - Site Photographs
Attachment 3 - Recommendations/Draft Conditions
Attachment 4 - Project Plans
Attachment 5 - Applicants response to comments